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    Friday, August 29, 2008

    What a Stirring Speech That was, Barack!


    Now that's a refreshing sight to see!

    I've just finished wasting bytes on the computer writing about Alaska governor Sarah Palin, who John McCain has tapped as his running mate.

    I can hardly wait until next week when that fucking windbag McCain tells his lies at the Republican National Convention.

    But until then, I'm going to relax to the soothing sounds of Barack Hussein Obama II.

    This guy is definitely a stand up man, doesn't suffer fools gladly. And he is definitely an out of the box thinker. He loves his wife Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, and his daughters Malia Ann and Sasha. AND HE LOVES HIS COUNTRY! (you Repugnant-cans get that?). He's a Christian (though try telling that to some of my Republican friends) as a member of the United Church of Christ.

    He'll make a great President. And I'm proud to support and stand by him.


    The echo that the current dolt-in-chief will hear from now to January 20, 2009. Say it loud! Say it proud, Democrats and, Independents, and Republicans pissed off at George Walker Bush.

    Keep packing, Georgie.

    (C)MMVIII, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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