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    Thursday, August 14, 2008

    Just a Little Fine Tweaking Here

    As you can see, I've added a few new widgets to this page- after all, I'm a sports fan; weather freak (well, sort of), and news nut as well.

    Then again, who isn't?

    The pages look a bit cluttered, I'll admit that I'm probably getting carried away here- at least for the moment. But my aim here is to make
    Notes From the Hardcore Edge more user- and reader- friendly. More informative with information on the go when you con't have time to read what's on my mind- or what I think of politics, etc.

    So give it a little time, as I reconstruct the blog a little. At least, I'm still open.

    (C)MMVIII, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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