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    Wednesday, August 27, 2008

    Lesbian Activist Del Martin dead at 87

    In 1955, eight women founded a club called the daughters of Bilitis. They named this after a book of lesbian erotic poetry published in Paris. Now you have to remember that San francisco- although a bit toleratant of gays and lesbians- didn't exactly welcomre them with open arms back then. But anyway, among the eight women who founded the club were Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon. The two fell in love, and over the next 55 years, they would be partners- both professionally and romantically- in the fight for equality for gays and lesbians globally.

    Today, I share in the heartbreak that Phyllis is going through as her wife of less than three months- but lifelong partner of 55 years- passed away today at 87.

    Martin became the first lesbian to serve on the board of directors of the National Organiztion for Women, and along with Lyon, published a book, Lesbian/Woman, which argued that lesbians should be more visible, and seen for more than sexuality. She also wrote an article for The Advocate, criticizing the gay rights movement as being more male-centered.

    Associated Press/YouTube

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