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    Thursday, November 02, 2006

    Prince- The Comeback. But At What Cost?

    Prince Rogers Nelson- the artist forever known as just his first name- is opening a club in Las Vegas, Club 3121. It's located at the Club Rio hotel and nightclub on Flamingo Rd.

    While I celebrate his success- hey, once a Prince fan, always a Prince fan- I kind of question this move.

    You see, Prince is- or was, I don't know. I'll have to ask him directly- a Jehovah's Witness.

    Let me admit my dog in the fight. I was once raised in that faith, in my youth. As almost everyone knows, the Witnesses don't celebrate holidays; vote in elections; have sexual relations- same sex or opposite sex- outside of marriage. They don't believe in same sex relationships- let alone same sex marriage. And although they're allowed to enter bars and nightclubs- provided that they're of the legal age, of course- such actions are highly discouraged. For the record, I haven't been associated with the faith for over 15 years (though my mother and at least three of my siblings are in the faith).

    Which is why I must ask Prince why is he running one.

    Now, if he's been disfellowshiped- excommunicated- then that's one thing. But if he's still a JW, are the elders at his church comfortable with him doing this. If not, I think Prince should seriously think about what he's doing.

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