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    Friday, November 03, 2006

    Let's Talk About- and Visualize- Warm Weather

    Right now, I'm in a state of boredom. I'm feeling tired, and...I'm ready to fall asleep. Now if I wasn't at the (Multnomah County Central) library, I would just go ahead and nod off. But I can't do this. So...

    It's no secret that I'd much rather be elsewhere right now. Elsewhere being Los Angeles; Miami; or even Bora Bora. Lying in the sun, feeling the warmth on my skin. Sipping margaritas or pina coladas, surrounded by hot buxom ladies. Being softly killed by kisses, bare breasts, and kitties in the middle. Ah, yes. The life I desire. (Oh, don't forget, all of this being taped and/or filmed...after all, I need the footage for my self-taught lessons in using Final Cut Studio 5.1...).

    So, as I put up- for a bit longer, at least- with the return of the winter rainy season here in the Pacific Northwest (and perhaps three to four months in Alaska at a seafood processing plant on, perhaps Dutch Harbor in Unalaska), I can be rest assured that before long, I'll be atop of the world in a condo; dancing to, say, Latino and black hip-hop. And, of course, seeing different babes nightly (okay, not every night. I need the break from time to time...).

    I'll be in the sun sooner than I think. Believe it!

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