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    Thursday, July 27, 2006

    What IF the iPod Had an Imbedded TV Tuner

    The wonderful peeps at Apple Computer have given us a great creation in the form of the iPod. Now celebrating five years on the planet- I guess that's 35 years in computer terms (whatevs)- this little digital player that could does music, pictures, and even video. with all but two broadcast TV networks (who are about to become one), and a few cable networks on board, there's almost nothing that the iPod can't do. Sure, you'd have to kick Apple in the tush for not allowing the option of installing Windows Media; Napster and Real Networks on the iPod, but I get the feeling that those crazy bastard geniuses in Cupertino will come around before long. After all, iPods Do work on Windows as well as Macs.

    Call this a crazy premonition, but I get the feeling that the next generation of iPod will feature an imbedded TV tuner- or Apple will create an adapter for the capacity to allow you to watch TV on the iPod ,and perhaps even record those programs. Currently, a company named Elgato has external TV tuners and DVRs that allow Mac users to record their favorite programs. Sure, Steve Jobs may have a hissy fit. But hey, since he's busy running Disney these days, he may not have to worry about charging us consumers $2 a pop to download our favorite programs too much longer. In other words, just like Windows XP Media Center Edition, and the forthcoming Windows Vista, imbedded DVRs in the Mac- starting with the forthcoming Mac OS X, v.10.5 Leopard- could be standard equipment. (If I'm correct, the ability to watch and record TV programs in Windows Vista will be standard equipment. Apple will likely follow suit with Leopard. But again, it's just a guess from some schlub in Oregon...).

    I look forward to the day Apple allows us Mac users to enjoy the amenities that Windows users enjoy now- specifically those with Windows XP Media Center PCs. The ability to record and watch TV on our PCs (and external hard drives, and of course, our iPods) without paying an arm, leg, lung, or testicle (if you're female, substitute ovary for testicle).

    Did anybody notice the title change above?
    I tried to get on to my MSN Spaces site. The fucker wouldn't take my password (and I've just gushed over Microsoft? I've got to stop drinking the Kool-Aid...). So I decided to just move the title over here to Besides, I've contemplated the idea of renaming this blog anyway. Guess I made the right choice.

    Don't worry, my bitchy scrawls and mood swings won't change. You can bet your ass on that!

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