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    Monday, November 21, 2005

    Now I Hold My Breath...And My Face is Turning Blue

    About a half hour ago, the Oregon Megabucks jackpot drawing took place. And now, I hold my breath.

    Seven weeks of preparation- daily visualizations, seeing myself enjoying the money (and mainly tapping on the keys of the Apple PowerBook G4 and iMac G5. Believe it! My days of using library computers are coming to an end...I only have an hour to play with these guys, whereas I have my own computer, you'd have to pry me away from it). And now, all I need is those six magic numbers that changes everything. I already claimed this prize, so I feel that I have won thisprize. The suspense builds...and builds...and builds.

    My itineraries are set. I'm leaving Portland, Oregon for Los Angeles and Atlanta- at least for awhile (oh, don't forget the Bay Area, baby...). Get away from those so-called friends who have scorned me forever, but now become my "best friends"(With an entourage like this, who needs enemies?). Plus, I'll have more time to think and relax. And get things ready for 2006- the eight-week filmmmaking classes in Los Angeles (or if I so choose, New York City), which I'll start on May 1, 2006; SXSW in Austin, Texas...and I intend to get into podcasting (any amateur can do this. You know, I just got into blogging just months ago...).

    Anyway, back to the main subject, I'll head to Los Angeles this week- Thanksgiving Day. Spend a weekend there, get writing and filmmaking software. Then, I'll fly to Atlanta, relax for about two weeks. Return to Portland to pick up my orders, then head into the Bay Area and spend Christmas and New Years there, also attend Macworld Expo '06 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

    And, one more thing- another lottery win! January 11, 2006! Just as I attend Macworld.

    But for now, I've got to pop the champagne open. There's a lot of celebrating to do.

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