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    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    Sam Adams Confesses to Relationship

    In tomorrow's issue of Willamette Week, Portland mayor Sam Adams admits to reporter Nigel Jaquiss of a relationship he had with a then-18 year old intern .Today, in a press conference, Adams apologized for his actions, saying that the relationship was inappropriate and that he used poor judgment. The man Adams had sex with, Beau Breedlove, was 18 at the time of the relationship, and this happened while he was Portland city commissioner, and took place before he ran for mayor. The fact that he had sex with a young man of 18 isn't grounds for his being recalled, and I don't expect such actions will happen. Adams himself said that he won't resign

    This is a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. Poor judgment? Maybe. Inappropriate, no.

    While I think Adams should have beem more forthcoming about the two-month relationship he and Breedlove had in 2005, I don't think this is an issue in any shape or form. Breedlove was 18 at the time, and the last time I checked, when you turn that age, you're legally an adult. Nothing else can be said about it. Now, had Breedlove been, say 17 or younger, then it would have been an issue of character, and possible criminal charges and cause for impeachment. But nothing was done wrong in this instance. In fact, I don't think Sam and/or Beau should have even brought this up.

    Having said this, I'll continue to stand by Sam Adams while he continues his duties as mayor of Portland. However, like the constituents of Portland, I'll keep an eye on him- even though I've voted for him.

    Copyright (C) 2009, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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