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    Thursday, January 22, 2009

    Welcome to Beaugate

    Over the past couple of days or so, we here in Portland, Oregon have been dealing with the misdeeds of our mayor, Sam Adams. As many know, he's the first openly gay mayor of a major US city with a population of over 500,000.

    But instead of celebrating this milestone, a lot of us are calling for hias head for lying about his little lovefest with a legislative intern. Adams since apologized, but the consensus here is that his political future is on tissue thin ice. At any rate, I've spent the last day brainstorming on what names we could call this scandal.

    I have one: BEAUGATE!

    Yes, this could be like Zippergate, when President Bill Clinton got fellated by Lewis and Clark College grad and White House intern Monica Lewinski (I still can't believe she even went to school here in the Rose City). It's not Watergate, since Adams didn't break into any body's house (at least, not that I know of, anyway. Unless he had amateur porn tapes of him and Beau in action...somehow, I get the feeling that some gay porn producer is brainstorming some idea for his next masterpiece..."Hello, Mr. Mayor";
    "The Mayor and the Intern", or even better, "The Mayor's Beau". If anybody have any ideas, relay them to me in the comment box).

    No matter what, we here in the city of rain and roses are dealing with Beaugate right now. The Oregon Attorney General, John Kroger, is investigating; burning effigies of Sam are probably being prepared, and the folks from Westboro, Kansas are likely sharpening their knives.

    See what you have done, Sam?

    I'm very close to telling Mr. Adams to pack his bags and leave town, but I'll wait until the authorities- the aforementioned attorney general, and Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Schrunk- release their findings. But know this for sure, my respect for Mr. Adams is slipping further out the door.

    Copyright (C) 2009, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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