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    Monday, January 05, 2009

    Canon Releases 11 New Camcorders at 2009 CES

    There are eleven new camcorders coming our way from Canon. I'll reveal one from each format (Mini DV; HDV; flash memory; and hard drive).

    Flash Memory: VIXIA HF 200. This is a high definition flash memory model, which takes up to a 32 GB Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) card. Recording capacity up to 12 hours (on a 32 GB SDHC card); features include 15x Optical zoom at a focal length of 4.1- 61.5 mm (35 mm equivalent: 39.5- 592.5 mm), face detection, and records to full 1080i high definition. The HF200 will be out next month.

    Other HD flash models are the VIXIA HF S10; VIXIA HF S100; and VIXIA HF20, all which will be released next month.

    Just when you thought that Mini DV has gone the way of the dinosaur, Canon features two new models. On the HDV (high definition video) side, the VIXIA HV40, which is basically an improvement on the popular HV20 and VIXIA HV30 models. The HV40 records to both HDV and DV, and records in native 24p mode- a carryover from the professional line of camcorders (XH-A1; XL-H1A; etc). This will be released in March. On the standard def side, the ZR960 features a IEEE 1394(FireWire/iLink) port. This will also be out in March.

    Three standard definition flash memory camcorders will be out any day. The FS22 has an internal 32 GB flash drive, with a recording capacity of up to almost 21 hours. More recording time can be added by just placing a SDHC memory card. The FS21 has a 16 GB internal flash drive, with capacity up to 10 hours and 20 minutes record time. As with the FS22, recording time is increased by adding a SDHC or SD card. And finally, the FS200 has a record time of almost 21 hours, however, unlike the FS21 and FS22, it does not have internal memory (damn!), so you'll have to buy the SD or SDHC card. But the focal length kicks ass, though. 2.6- 96.2 mm (35 mm equivalent: 45.8- 1695mm. which means that I can spy the hottie doing the strip tease on the beach from a much safer distance...what?...whaddaya mean I have a filthy mind? Like you're Mr. Clean yourself...sheeesh! Assistants!).

    There are also two standard def DVD camcorders coming out any day now. The DC420 records up to 60 minutes on a single layer 1.4 GB DVD +/- RL disk, 108 minutes on a 2.8 GB double layer disc. same goes for the DC410 model, with the difference being that the DC420 has 550,000 pixel's to the DC 410's 680,000. The DC410 has a mic jack, but the DC420 doesn't- hmm-kay.

    So now my question: which one would fit me? They're all nice, and- with the exception of the ZR960- will work on my Compaq Presario F700 laptop, which features the AMD Turion 64x2 processor. All I need is the right video software to edit my footage on. Pinnacle Studio 12; Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9; and Adobe Premiere Elements 7 look like pretty good candidates to use with these camcorders.

    It's just a matter of choice.

    (C) 2009, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
    FireWire is a trademark of Apple, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries; iLink is a trademark of Sony Corporation, registered in the United States and other countries.

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