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    Wednesday, October 11, 2006

    Vote NO on Measure 43

    Did you know that a teen girl needs permission to go on field trips, get a tattoo, even get a prescription, doesn't need one to get an abortion in the state of Oregon?

    It's true. And do you know why the girl doesn't need permission to get an abortion? It's probably because she's been raped by a stranger- or worse, by a relative by means of incest, and she's scared to tell anyone else about it out of fear of violence and shame.

    There's a ballot measure, Measure 43, here in Oregon called "Protect Our Teen Daughters", and what this measure purports to do is to require teen daughters, 15 to 17, to tell mom and/or dad that she wants to terminate her pregnancy within 48 hours of such action. Now, the Yes on 43 people (go to for their site) want you to believe that a young teen girl has a judicial override- go to a judge- in case her picture perfect parents turn out to be more like Joan Crawford and O.J. Simpson. But here's why I disagree. Oregon has mostly small towns, and in small towns, everyone knows your damn business! Now, the parents could be chummy with the judge the girl wants to talk to about getting an abortion, therefore, that judge cannot be impartial. Plus, dealing with judicial systems, you have to go through channels, paperwork. Red tape. All while Mommy/Daddy Dearest continue to abuse their precious little girl.

    Now, don't get me wrong. A girl should notify her parents about her pregnancy- except in the instance that she's in an abusive home, and telling the parent(s) would make things worse. And what makes you think that guy in robes, presiding over that kangaroo court, would make matters better, or even keep his mouth shut? I don't see the guarantees here.

    I'm not so concerned with the alleged implications of 43 passing- that it would open the floodgates to banning abortion altogether. The good people of NARAL- whom I support- is doing plenty to make sure that Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts and Associate Justices Clarence Thomas; Antoin Scalia; and Sam Alito don't overstep the line between personal choice and forced pregnancies. And here in the "liberal" state of Oregon, we in the pro-choice movement will make sure that upon election- should he be so lucky- Governor Ronald Saxton stays on our side (yes, Saxton's a Republican, and yes, he's pro-choice... one of the reasons I'm actually crossing party lines to vote for him...).

    Measure 43 is nothing more than government's attempt to run the lives of young women. If a fifteen year old girl chooses not to notify her parents, she should have that right. If she's in a very loving enviroment, she likely will tell them, however hard it will be.

    No one- parent, and particularly government- should take that right away.

    Join me in voting No on Measure 43.

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