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    Friday, October 27, 2006

    How Nasty Can You Go? Let the Mudslinging Continue

    No doubt, you've seen the nasty mudsling commercials airing around the country. One particular commercial, run by the Republican National Committee and airing around Tennessee is a 'man on the street' ad depicting Democrat Harold Ford, Jr. as a player of sorts, and the wrong person for Congress (the ad ends with a blond telling Harold to call her). Many- particularly of the Al Sharton/Jesse Jackson discipleship- call it nothing less that blantant racism, liking it to the days of Reconstruction, when slaves in the South were freed (and of course pissed off white folks formed a little terrorist organization called the Ku Klux Klan. Imagine those hooded types getting together with another hooded group of people- Islamofascists. Hey, both groups hate Jews...). I looked at the ad, and just chalked the part with blondie up to just 'bad taste'. The candidate running against Ford is Bob Corker, and from watching his ads, he doesn't seem at all racist to me- and as almost everyone knows from reading this blog, I'm African-American.

    In fact, I kind of find the commercial funny.

    On Lars Larson's national show last night, I heard this ad depicting Wisconsin Democratic U.S. Congressman Ron Kind as a man weak on defense, but very,very, very horny (I find it pretty hilarious). Just watch.

    Between now and November 7, things will get a lot nastier. Just listen to the radio and watch your televisions. Consider yourselves entertained.

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