This is the time where political campaigns begin to hit fever pitch. Where the knives get sharper, and the mud's aplenty. Between now and November 6, the mud hits the fan. Let the catfights begin!
And it's no different here in the Beaver state. Two major party candidates- the incumbent, Theodore 'Ted' Kulongoski, the Democrat is fighting to keep his job. Portland attorney Ron Saxton, the Republican, is challenging him.
In a recent poll, the man conservatives (namely KXL's Lars Larson) call 'Sleepy Ted' leads Saxton by five percent (43-38. I don't know the margin of error...). But the poll points being this close, it means that Kulongoski is in T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
Now, let me admit my dog in this fight. I'm a registered Democrat, and I, of course, traditionally vote Democrat. But in the last primary election, I voted for a Republican, Portland businessman David Lister, for Portland city council. (For governor, I voted for Kulongoski's opponent Jim Hill in the Democratic primary). The fact that I voted for a Republican means that I'm willing to cross party lines to help get the best possible candidate get into office, and that sometimes, folks from my party sure know how to botch things up.
And sadly, I must say this about Ted Kulongoski. Oregon, like many states, has an illegal ailen problem that has gone beyond pandemic. Sure, many of these illegals come here to seek a better life. But in doing so, they cost us, the hard working, honest living tax paying- and, most important, natural born and naturalized- Americans much more. I'm talking in terms of taxes, services, and safety, with great emphasis on the safety aspect. You see, imbedded among those seemingly harmless illegal ailens are drug mules; drug lords; and TERRORISTS! That's right, kids! I'm talking al-Qaida; Hezbollah; Hamas; and other Islamofacist and anti-American nutcase whose sole purpose is to wipe the good ol' U.S. of A. off the face of the terran map. Kill her people, and place in their tyrannical regimes. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can handle seeing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sitting in the Oval Office, or members of Hamas, al-Qaida, and Hezbollah sitting in the chambers of Congress. Let alone the chambers of the Oregon Capitol in Salem.
And when it comes to taxes, Sleepy Ted suddenly wakes up from his hibernation and proposes tax increases- $800 F---ING MILLION?!!! We have 3.4 million residents here in Oregon. That's about $2.3 million per man, woman, and child, if I've done the math correctly. Then he's floating the idea of a sales tax- Oregon doesn't have one. And we don't want one, either (It has been voted down NINE TIMES! NINE TIMES! And Ted still doesn't get the message!)
Which is why I'm once again crossing (political) party lines and voting for thre Republican, Ron Saxton.
Ron Saxton will hold the line on taxes. He will not introduce new taxes; nor will he allow Oregon lawmakers to treat their congressional and senatorial districts like nightclubs.
Ron Saxton will put a halt to illegals getting driver licenses and other sources of identification. To be honest, I'd like to see him put a stop on the martricula card program here in Oregon, and hold employers to task if they decide to hire illegals (Social Security number don't match, you don't get hired. That simple!).
Now, I must add this disclaimer that the Saxton campaign did not put me to saying this. Nor am I being paid by the Saxton people- I don't even work for them. The words here are my own, Darren W. Alexander, the author of this blog and this entry. I am solely responsible for this content. You are welcome to click on the title, which will take you to the Saxton website. I have chosen to place this link there myself.
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Monday, October 02, 2006
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