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    Friday, October 27, 2006

    How Nasty Can You Go? Let the Mudslinging Continue

    No doubt, you've seen the nasty mudsling commercials airing around the country. One particular commercial, run by the Republican National Committee and airing around Tennessee is a 'man on the street' ad depicting Democrat Harold Ford, Jr. as a player of sorts, and the wrong person for Congress (the ad ends with a blond telling Harold to call her). Many- particularly of the Al Sharton/Jesse Jackson discipleship- call it nothing less that blantant racism, liking it to the days of Reconstruction, when slaves in the South were freed (and of course pissed off white folks formed a little terrorist organization called the Ku Klux Klan. Imagine those hooded types getting together with another hooded group of people- Islamofascists. Hey, both groups hate Jews...). I looked at the ad, and just chalked the part with blondie up to just 'bad taste'. The candidate running against Ford is Bob Corker, and from watching his ads, he doesn't seem at all racist to me- and as almost everyone knows from reading this blog, I'm African-American.

    In fact, I kind of find the commercial funny.

    On Lars Larson's national show last night, I heard this ad depicting Wisconsin Democratic U.S. Congressman Ron Kind as a man weak on defense, but very,very, very horny (I find it pretty hilarious). Just watch.

    Between now and November 7, things will get a lot nastier. Just listen to the radio and watch your televisions. Consider yourselves entertained.

    Tuesday, October 17, 2006

    No Surprise- Police Justified in the Killing of James Chasse, Jr.

    The Multnomah County, Orgeon grand jury decided that the officers involved in the death of James Chasse, Jr., the man police thought was urinating in the street and was on drugs, was an accident. Chasse died on September 17, the result was blunty force trauma.

    This doesn't surprise me one bit. They close down the mental health hospitals- via budget cuts, etc- then what happens next is that police are too ignorant (or worse, too dispassionate) to help. In other words, shoot- or beat- 'em first, ask questions later.

    Now whether the jury made the right decision or no, that's for us to judge. Only, I can say that perhaps the police would've been better taking out the taser and zapping Mr. Chasse in lieu of playing romper stomper on him. Over 30 people say that the police were smashing Mr. Chasse's ribs- 16 of them were broken- and that they overreacted. No, sounds to me that the cops took joy in smashing the man to oblivion.

    I feel for the family- the father, James Chasse, Jr., I personally know. Likely, the Chasses will proceed with their lawsuit against the city. I wish them luck on that.

    Actions by the police, and the grand juries that exonerate those officers, cause many to lose respect for law enforcement. Until we hold those officers involved accountable, police abuse will continue. And we all lose in the end.

    No Surprise- Police Justified in the Killing of James Chasse, Jr.

    The Multnomah County, Orgeon grand jury decided that the officers involved in the death of James Chasse, Jr., the man police thought was urinating in the street and was on drugs, was an accident. Chasse died on September 17, the result was blunty force trauma.

    This doesn't surprise me one bit. They close down the mental health hospitals- via budget cuts, etc- then what happens next is that police are too ignorant (or worse, too dispassionate) to help. In other words, shoot- or beat- 'em first, ask questions later.

    Now whether the jury made the right decision or no, that's for us to judge. Only, I can say that perhaps the police would've been better taking out the taser and zapping Mr. Chasse in lieu of playing romper stomper on him. Over 30 people say that the police were smashing Mr. Chasse's ribs- 16 of them were broken- and that they overreacted. No, sounds to me that the cops took joy in smashing the man to oblivion.

    I feel for the family- the father, James Chasse, Jr., I personally know. Likely, the Chasses will proceed with their lawsuit against the city. I wish them luck on that.

    Actions by the police, and the grand juries that exonerate those officers, cause many to lose respect for law enforcement. Until we hold those officers involved accountable, police abuse will continue. And we all lose in the end.

    Thursday, October 12, 2006

    Man, All Of This Multitasking is Giving Me a Headache

    I can't wait until I get my own computer.

    USing the library's computer, you only have an hour- which is fair. After all, everyone else can use it, too. (Of course, if you want to rent one from Kinko's, go right ahead. At least, there's no time limits on those. Just watch out for the charges, which can really add up).

    There's this condo I'm interested in buying in the Miami area (I have the PDF file here. Just click on the title). Then, there's the info I've learned on Gund Arena in Cleveland- it's been renamed "Q Quicken Loans Arena". Man, what have they done? (The Q Quicken Loans chair bought the Cavs...oh, boy!). And I'm looking at Amtrak, as I seek to take a sabbatical from Portland, Oregon for high adventures (if not high crimes and devilment).

    When I do get my own computers- and hopefully, I'll have them come month's end- I get to do a lot more blogging; a lot more video and audio editing...web surfing, etc. And more importantly,, I won't be using the Windows PCs that I'm typing this entry on now. Don't get me wrong. I love Windows, but Mac's a better system for me. I won't worry about that annoying 60 Minutes stiopwatch that's ticking in my head right now. Nor do I have to mind what I view, either (at least the Portland State library is much more liberal. The Multnomah County system, you have brats running around as I'm watching two lesbians getting it on. Man, that's ANNOYING!).

    The day I get my MacBook; 17" MacBook Pro; and 24" iMac, I'll spend all day and night celebrating. Come morning, you'd have to pry me from those babies.

    Wednesday, October 11, 2006

    Vote NO on Measure 43

    Did you know that a teen girl needs permission to go on field trips, get a tattoo, even get a prescription, doesn't need one to get an abortion in the state of Oregon?

    It's true. And do you know why the girl doesn't need permission to get an abortion? It's probably because she's been raped by a stranger- or worse, by a relative by means of incest, and she's scared to tell anyone else about it out of fear of violence and shame.

    There's a ballot measure, Measure 43, here in Oregon called "Protect Our Teen Daughters", and what this measure purports to do is to require teen daughters, 15 to 17, to tell mom and/or dad that she wants to terminate her pregnancy within 48 hours of such action. Now, the Yes on 43 people (go to for their site) want you to believe that a young teen girl has a judicial override- go to a judge- in case her picture perfect parents turn out to be more like Joan Crawford and O.J. Simpson. But here's why I disagree. Oregon has mostly small towns, and in small towns, everyone knows your damn business! Now, the parents could be chummy with the judge the girl wants to talk to about getting an abortion, therefore, that judge cannot be impartial. Plus, dealing with judicial systems, you have to go through channels, paperwork. Red tape. All while Mommy/Daddy Dearest continue to abuse their precious little girl.

    Now, don't get me wrong. A girl should notify her parents about her pregnancy- except in the instance that she's in an abusive home, and telling the parent(s) would make things worse. And what makes you think that guy in robes, presiding over that kangaroo court, would make matters better, or even keep his mouth shut? I don't see the guarantees here.

    I'm not so concerned with the alleged implications of 43 passing- that it would open the floodgates to banning abortion altogether. The good people of NARAL- whom I support- is doing plenty to make sure that Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts and Associate Justices Clarence Thomas; Antoin Scalia; and Sam Alito don't overstep the line between personal choice and forced pregnancies. And here in the "liberal" state of Oregon, we in the pro-choice movement will make sure that upon election- should he be so lucky- Governor Ronald Saxton stays on our side (yes, Saxton's a Republican, and yes, he's pro-choice... one of the reasons I'm actually crossing party lines to vote for him...).

    Measure 43 is nothing more than government's attempt to run the lives of young women. If a fifteen year old girl chooses not to notify her parents, she should have that right. If she's in a very loving enviroment, she likely will tell them, however hard it will be.

    No one- parent, and particularly government- should take that right away.

    Join me in voting No on Measure 43.

    Tuesday, October 10, 2006

    Don't Screw Up, Torre!...James Chasse, Jr Jury Drags Its' Feet

    Yesterday, I- along with the majority of America, for that matter- thought that Joe Torre, the current New York Yankees manager, would get the ax after losing two straight games in the American League Divisional Series- and the team not going to the World Series for the third straight year.

    Well, it looks like Joe has another year to redeem himself. As mentioned this morning, Joe Torre will stay with the Yankees- thus feeling the fiery breath of Mt. George Steinbrenner for another season.

    Now, I'm a Yankee fan (I'm also a Boston Red Sox fan. Glad I don't live in New York, what with these divided loyalties I possess...). So, as the wonderful and loving Yankee fan that I am, I have one word of advice for Joe: DON'T FUCK THIS ONE UP! Yes, if you want to make King George happy, very happy- then do your best in the 2007 season, bring New York another pennant (of course, if your crosstown rivals, the Mets of the National League succeed in the NLCS and World Series this year, then in a sense, they will have helped you bring one home...).

    Until then, I guess that you'll be rooting for the Mets.

    James Chasse, Jr.: A Tragedy
    On September 17, 2006, James Chasse, Jr. was stopped by Portland Police. The officers involved thought that Chasse was urinating and was on drugs, so they proceeded to arrest them. Chasse struggled with the cops, and when it all ended, Chasse was on the ground and hauled off to the Multnomah County Justice Center. It was there that a nurse instructed the police to send him to the hospital.

    En route to Providence Medical Center in northeast Portland, Chasse, 42, died.

    Now I wouldn't give a rat's ass about this story had it not been for one factor: I know the victim's father, James Chasse, Sr. James, Sr. is a volunteer of an outreach program, Operation: Nightwatch, which serves the homeless and poor three nights a week (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). Which makes it pretty difficult for me to take sides, you'd have to understand.
    James, Jr. suffered from schizophrenia, but he was also a brilliant musician and artist. I never knew the man personally, but from accounts I've read, James, Jr. was very much a loved man by a family who did everything they could to help. I can imagine the feeling of loss that Jim, Sr. feels, losing a family member to the hands of the police.

    The coroner ruled Jim Chasse, Jr's death 'accidental'. Jim, Jr. had sixteen broken ribs, no drugs or alcohol in his system

    Jim Chasse and his family are considering legal action.

    Today, the Multnomah County grand jury was supposed to render its' verdict. Now, we'll have to wait another week to find out whether criminal charges will be filed against the officers involved.

    I don't know why there is foot dragging in this case. Are there more witnesses to come forward? Is the grand jury afraid to come forward in fear that there may be repercussions (read: hell to pay)?

    What's taking them so damn long?

    Monday, October 09, 2006

    The Mighty (THUD!) Yankees

    The curse of the Bambino has returned. Only, this time, the New York Yankees- the very same team that George Herman 'Babe' Ruth played with over 80 years ago- are the recipients.

    Once a powerhouse team, the Yankees are now a national joke. What with them falling apart in Game 2 of the Ameriocan League Divisional Series- at home, nonetheless in the 'House That Babe Built' against the lowly Detroit Tigers. Now, it's the scrappy Tigers that are facing off against a tough Oakland Atheletics for the American League Championship.

    Having said this, the talk has become very heavy on the future of Yankees manager Joe Torre. His head is in the guillotimne right now, just waiting for the blade that is George Steinbrenner to fall down (just pray for a clean cut, Joey). And if that's not enough, A-Rod- Alex Rodiguez- may not be donning the pinstripes for too much longer.

    This morning, as I wrote my opening journal entry, I looked at three possible scenarios that could happen to Joe Torre. Let me run them by you. (I welcome your comments as well).

    1. The Yankees Fire Torre. The likely scenario. Three years without a World Series ring, plus team chemistry gone to shit. Sure, Torre's an A-list manager who's sure to grace the next team who hires him. But his welcome mat in the Yankees organization is beyond worn. What will probably happen is Torre will take a year or two off from baseball, then return to the game as manager of another team. Like say, the Atlanta Braves or even the Chicago Cubs (not speculation or even a guess. I'm just using those teams as a example).

    2. Torre Resigns. Face it, working for George Steinbrenner can be a major bitch! All of the pressure to maintain a 100-plus year old tradition in the House of the Babe, and going for their 27th world pennant, it can drive even the strongest man to tears.
    And then to watch your heavily favored (to win that 27th World Series ring) team gets blitzkrieged by an underdog team like the Tigers, I doubt seriously that you want to face the volcano that is Mt. Steinbrenner (or if you prefer, a Category 5 hurricane named George). So the Yanks will give Torre the option to close the lights. Throw in the towel. Place his resignation on the desk of King George and make it appear like he's leaving the organization on good terms, and that he and Steinbrenner are chummy with each other.

    3. The Yankees Keep Torre- At Least For Another Season. This is a hard decision that Steinbrenner faces. Torre has given him four World Series titles in the eleven years Torre has managed the Bronx Bombers. Torre is an A-list manager- just about every other Major League club would love him on their roster. So, despite the sometimes acrimonious relationship, Steinbrenner still sees Torre as an asset. If Torre does get a reprieve in the Yankees organization, he could get an upper level managerial position, like, say, General Manager or Senior Vice President of Baseball Operations. He could even manage one of the farm teams, say, the Columbus (Ohio) Clippers of the (AAA) International League for a season or two, then return to New York for another try with the Yankees.

    But how likely is the latter two scenarios? (I'll give you a moment to think about it...)

    Can't see Torre staying with the Yanks much longer? Neither can I.

    Tuesday, October 03, 2006

    Of School Shootings and Scandals

    "I molested a few boys, so now, I'm going to rehab for alcoholism..."

    Okay, so former US Representative Mark Foley, R-Florida, didn't actually say these words, but he may as well said them. Of course, there's no proof that Foley physically molested the (then) 16-year-old male page, but you can bet your ass that there's more to this story than what's being told.

    And then, there's the revelation that the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives knew about the allegations. Monday, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R- Illinois said that the House did not move agressively to investigate the charges that Foley exchanged sexual e-mails with the page. In other words, what these jackals are saying is that they did everything to basically sweep it under the rug, for fears that it may derail the Republicans' chances of keeping control of the House (many of the Representatives are up for re-election this year). Thanks, guys. Now the FBI's involved.

    The copy of the Foley documents can be linked by clicking on the title.

    Then, there's the rash of school shootings. Three in a week's time. The Bailey, Colorado shooting where a 54-year-old man shot a few girls, then the shooting yesterday in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, in an Amish community, where five girls lost their lives. And, of course, a kid didn't like his principal in Cazenovia, Wisconsin, so he killed him. At least two of the school shooting had one thing in common: the Colorado and Pennsylvania shootings were sexual in nature. In the Bailey shooting, the 54-year-old Duane Morrison, sexually assaulted six female students, killed one of them before killing himself. In the Nickel Mines shooting, Charles Carl Roberts IV, 32, tied six girls, shot all execution style. Five of the six died, and of course, Roberts shot himself dead. And now, the news accounts say that Roberts molested a couple of female relatives 20 years ago (go to for this story), and that at the time of the shooting, he had lube on him. No doubt, Roberts had plans for these girls.

    The troubling thing here in all of this is all the parties involved- save for the 15-year-old assailant in Wisconsin- is that they all have or had sexual issues. Foley is single and Roberts was married with three children. More troubling is the fact that Foley worked on committees to protect children from exploitation- he even worked on a committee with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, founded by America's Most Wanted host John Walsh (see NCMEC's response at, and click on the appropriate site). Yet, he exploited young boys on the internet, which the last time I checked, was a federal offense. So, now that the FBI's in the game here, it looks like Foley's days of being free may be numbered.

    Monday, October 02, 2006

    Ron Saxton For Oregon Governor

    This is the time where political campaigns begin to hit fever pitch. Where the knives get sharper, and the mud's aplenty. Between now and November 6, the mud hits the fan. Let the catfights begin!

    And it's no different here in the Beaver state. Two major party candidates- the incumbent, Theodore 'Ted' Kulongoski, the Democrat is fighting to keep his job. Portland attorney Ron Saxton, the Republican, is challenging him.

    In a recent poll, the man conservatives (namely KXL's Lars Larson) call 'Sleepy Ted' leads Saxton by five percent (43-38. I don't know the margin of error...). But the poll points being this close, it means that Kulongoski is in T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

    Now, let me admit my dog in this fight. I'm a registered Democrat, and I, of course, traditionally vote Democrat. But in the last primary election, I voted for a Republican, Portland businessman David Lister, for Portland city council. (For governor, I voted for Kulongoski's opponent Jim Hill in the Democratic primary). The fact that I voted for a Republican means that I'm willing to cross party lines to help get the best possible candidate get into office, and that sometimes, folks from my party sure know how to botch things up.

    And sadly, I must say this about Ted Kulongoski. Oregon, like many states, has an illegal ailen problem that has gone beyond pandemic. Sure, many of these illegals come here to seek a better life. But in doing so, they cost us, the hard working, honest living tax paying- and, most important, natural born and naturalized- Americans much more. I'm talking in terms of taxes, services, and safety, with great emphasis on the safety aspect. You see, imbedded among those seemingly harmless illegal ailens are drug mules; drug lords; and TERRORISTS! That's right, kids! I'm talking al-Qaida; Hezbollah; Hamas; and other Islamofacist and anti-American nutcase whose sole purpose is to wipe the good ol' U.S. of A. off the face of the terran map. Kill her people, and place in their tyrannical regimes. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can handle seeing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sitting in the Oval Office, or members of Hamas, al-Qaida, and Hezbollah sitting in the chambers of Congress. Let alone the chambers of the Oregon Capitol in Salem.

    And when it comes to taxes, Sleepy Ted suddenly wakes up from his hibernation and proposes tax increases- $800 F---ING MILLION?!!! We have 3.4 million residents here in Oregon. That's about $2.3 million per man, woman, and child, if I've done the math correctly. Then he's floating the idea of a sales tax- Oregon doesn't have one. And we don't want one, either (It has been voted down NINE TIMES! NINE TIMES! And Ted still doesn't get the message!)

    Which is why I'm once again crossing (political) party lines and voting for thre Republican, Ron Saxton.

    Ron Saxton will hold the line on taxes. He will not introduce new taxes; nor will he allow Oregon lawmakers to treat their congressional and senatorial districts like nightclubs.

    Ron Saxton will put a halt to illegals getting driver licenses and other sources of identification. To be honest, I'd like to see him put a stop on the martricula card program here in Oregon, and hold employers to task if they decide to hire illegals (Social Security number don't match, you don't get hired. That simple!).

    Now, I must add this disclaimer that the Saxton campaign did not put me to saying this. Nor am I being paid by the Saxton people- I don't even work for them. The words here are my own, Darren W. Alexander, the author of this blog and this entry. I am solely responsible for this content. You are welcome to click on the title, which will take you to the Saxton website. I have chosen to place this link there myself.