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    Tuesday, May 15, 2007

    Young Pussy Beats 91-Year-Old WWII Vet

    Last week, in Detroit, Michigan, 91-year-old Leonard Sims was leaving a convenience store, when a young man- in cap and braids followed him, and asked him for a light.

    All in a sudden, the young man beat Mr. Sims to the ground and took Mr. Sims' 2005 Chevrolet Impala. The fucked up thing about this is that there were about four or five bystanders, who did absolutely nothing! Fortunately, the store clerk called 911, and Mr. Sims got the medical attention he needed.

    Just hours after this horrendous carjacking, Warren, Michigan police arrested 22-year-old Deonte Edward Bradley and charged him with carjacking- which carries life in prison; and assault with intent to do great bodily harm, which has a maximum penalty of ten years.

    I know that there's this adage that you're innocent until proven guilty, but I must say that if Mr. Bradley was the man who attacked Mr. Sims, I hope he gets the punishment he rightfully deserves, to the fullest extent of the law.

    No matter who did this, your actions were beyond deplorable. I wouldn't even use the word 'cowardly', because it makes cowards look good. You wanton disrepect for a man who fought for this country, so that pussies such as yourself can live freely.

    All I can say is I hope that you're proud of yourself. Just feel the scorching heat coming from the rest of us.

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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