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    Friday, December 30, 2005

    The Weather Will Get Better...Eventually

    Over the past two weeks or so, it's been nothing but rain, rain, rain (yes, Wednesday of this week was halfway decent- still doesn't change the fact that US 101, just south of Seaside (Oregon) was flooded. And things do not look to get better anytime soon.

    If anything, Portland may experience deja vu. With this constant rain- some of it heavy- there's a possibility that it'll be a repeat of the flooding that threatened the area 10 years ago. The area is already under a small stream and urban flood warning, and if there are any fireworks this weekend, it'll be courtesy of Moms Nature.

    But be rest assured that the weather will get better on Sunday- one week from it.

    The rain has an effective way of making one feel a bit miserable. Fortunately for me, I've been working as of late, and that seems to drive those blues away. Unfortunately, however, it's a long weekend (four days), and there's no work. Fortunately...there's a four day weekend and I do have some green (just don't go on a spending spree, D, okay?...).

    All I can do is read and brush up on my on script and story ideas...character development and just plain stay creative. Oh, and continue mapping out those plans for 2006. (And finish the other blog, "2005: The Year in Brief". I'll publish that blog sometime in the next week or two).

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