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    Thursday, December 15, 2005

    Still Leaving Portland...And Lars' Christmas Cross

    Now that I've gotten the anger out of my system, let me tell you the real reasons I'm leaving Portland, Oregon.

    I'm leaving because it's time for me to head in a new direction. I've been wanting to take up filmmaking for quite some time, and I feel that now is the time to head in that direction. This means preparing for the eight-week filmmaking workshop classes at New York Film Academy in New York City, New York, which I'll take in July 2006 (if not sooner). In the meantime, I'll be making Atlanta, Georgia my primary residence. Now this is not to say that I'll abandon Portland completely- I'll visit it from time to time. But I feel that there is nothing left here for myself to stay for (except a big fat lottery check in February, and a few temp jobs, and smaller lottery wins between now and February 20, when I leave Portland for Atlanta).
    I'll touch base more on my forthcoming move to Atlanta and New York later.

    A couple weeks ago, talk show host Lars Larson of KXL radio here in Portland, with the backing of Portland area Christian churches, had planned on erecting a Christmas Cross on the southwest corner of Pioneer Courthouse Square (Portland Living Room', as the locals call it...). The cross, to many Christians, symbolize the sacrifice that Jesus made for mankind. He even planned on broadcasting the erection on Monday (December 19, 2005) on both his local and nationally syndicated radio shows.

    Now comes word that the cross isn't going up. Ever since Lars made his intention clear to put up the cross, a few entities- mainly people who call themselves 'progressives'- had threatened and even promised- yes, promised!- to vandalize it. Now, I consider myself a 'progressive'- after all, I believe in the separation of church and state; a woman's right to choose; and civil unions (even same sex marriage). But what I do not believe in is denying the right of one man's efforts to just express his views, which is Christmas is the reason for the season, and that Jesus Christ is the main reason that Christmas even exists (something I agree with Lars on). I know that a lot of people are pissed royally over the city's decision not to hold the annual New Years' Eve bash on PCS, but do you fellow progressives have to take it out on Lars Larson's display? I've always thought that 'progressive' meant that while you favor policies that move your ideas forward, that you don't trample on the opposing side's ideas. Agree to disagree. So fucking what that you don't like Lars' Christmas Cross. He's paying out of his own pocket (with some help, of course) to display it.

    You guys have a better idea? I'd like to hear them. Otherwise, Lars, put up your cross. (And if anyone decides to vandalize it, just whip out that pistol of yours. That'll change their minds really quick!

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