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    Sunday, March 29, 2009

    Tom Joyner Booted Off Chicago Radio

    I got an e-mail from Tom Joyner- the morning syndicated radio host that plays on many adult urban radio stations across the country (including 98.5 FM WYLD-FM in New Orleans; and Kiss 98.7 in Birmingham, Alabama. For the record, no station here in Portland airs him...this really is one of the whitest cities in the country, but right now, that's neither here, nor there...). after 20 years of airing in Chicago, the Clear Channel station V103 FM, has dropped "The Tom Joyner Show" for "The Steve Harvey Show". Now, I love Steve and he's pretty damn funny, but Tom has been an institution in Chicago for over 25 years- that's a long time. But, as Tom said on his blog, radio is a business, and we have to support the advertisers, who in turn support the stations.

    I wrote an e-mail to the PD (program director) today, wondering why he would, at least, seem to alienate his audience, without some input. I guess a better question would be why Clear Channel- who owns V103- would even drop Tom when he has such an almost cultlike following in the Windy City.

    Nature of the beast, I guess.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander.
    All Rights Reserved.

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