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    Thursday, March 12, 2009

    Republican Values

    The Grand Old Party. Youc an't help but love them. I know that the democrats have an ass for a mascot, but remember, elephant has bigger shit, right?

    speaking of which, here's what came from the shit pile:

    The pussification of Republican National Chairman Michael Steele: In an online interview with GQ magazine, Steele, when asked about his views on abortion said, "...I think that's an individual choice." Now, he would have my respect for finally saying that women do have the right to choose- except a lot of the people who put him in the GOP chair post threatened to deprive him of it unless he gave some plausilble explanation. It's almost as if those puppet masters- and that's what the folks behind the scenes are in both major parties, puppet masters- decided to take drastic actions.

    Bristol Palin Dumps Boyfriend: We knew this would happen sooner or later. Levi Johnston, the boyfriend of Bristol Palin- daughter of former McCain running mate, Alaska governor Sarah Palin- probably reneged on his responsibilities to be the daddy to little Tripp, who was born in December. Sure, I'm sure that Bristol and Levi had a little nasty spat, and either or both told each other to fuck off.
    However, I can't help but wonder what this scene would be like if momma Sarah was in the picture.

    Those Republicans. Gotta love 'em.

    (C) 2009 by Darren w. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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