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    Tuesday, March 11, 2008

    Oklahoma Lawmaker Rails Against Gays

    Uh oh, another politician- guess what political party- is saying that being gay or lesbian is like a cancer.

    Sally Kern, who represents Oklahoma City, says that "homosexuality...poses a bigger threat to the US than terrorism or Islam.

    (hear this at ).

    And while she was at it, she managed to piss off a few Muslims. The Islamic community demands an apology as well.

    What more can I say? This bitch hates faggots and dykes. But she's not gay-bashing- let's make that clear right now. She just says that it's wrong, and societies that support it don't last long. (Oh, I forgot! We're en route to going the way of Sodom and Gomorrah. All because every man in the city wanted two hot, hunky and gorgeous angels...dude!...).

    I don't have to explain what I think of this lawmaker's moronic comments. Too bad that making stupid comments isn't always grounds for resignation or firing.

    Copyright (C)2008 by Darren W. Alexander/The DWA Organisation Ink. All Rights Reserved.

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