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    Monday, March 10, 2008

    New York Governor Caught in Prostitution Ring

    New York governor Eliot Spitzer must be sporting a few bruises tonight- and not all of them verbal potshots from his Republican opponents. Or even fellow Democrats.

    The man those in the New York media are calling 'Client #9' admitted today that he was involved in a prostitution ring, and has apologized to his family and his constituents. The wife may be forgiving- even though she may be talking with lawyers about ending her marriage to this crook- but voters...they're entirely different animals altogether.

    Of course, extramarital affairs don't always hurt political careers- face it, Bill Clinton received blow jobs while in the Oval Office from some fatso who graduated from Lewis and Clark College here in Moscow on the Willamette; and San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom was re-elected last November despite having an extramarital tryst. Hell, it looks like even that closeted gay Republican senator from Idaho, Larry Craig isn't hurt by his little bathroom assignation.

    I could go "Gasp! How could you, Eliot?", or "Shame on you! You're a disgrace to Democrats." But I won't do that.

    After all, it hardly surprises me anymore that politicians are sometimes apt to have affairs, too.

    I'm just surprised that the current occupant of the White House doesn't acknowledge his. I guess he's too afraid of Laura.

    Copyright(C) 2008, by Darren W. Alexander/The DWA Organisation Ink. All Rights Reserved.

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