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    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    Damned If You Do...

    It appears that President Obama can't seem to catch a break.

    Ultra-liberals say that he's not liberal enough. Ultra-conservatives say that he's too liberal.

    Last night's State of the Union address is usually one event where the president lays out his plans for the coming year and beyond. Obama stated that bringing jobs back is job one, that the party's over for Wall Street, and that he's starting to mean business. But the Huffington Post's Arianna Huffington says that the speech was too "paint-by-poll-numbers". Fox News' Kevin McCullough says that the speech- and Obama himself- was too arrogant and defiant.

    I thought these folks wanted more definace and attitude from our 44th Chief Executive. This comes to show that this president has gotten a bit sick and tired of trying to please everyone. Sure, he'll continue to work for the American people, but on his own terms, and in his way. And when those jobs start coming back to America, they'll be wanting to fellate him- or prepare volleys of accusations (of too much Affirmative Action and playing favorites, etc.).

    Perhaps we would have been better off  electing that fossil John McCain into office- but then you'll hear accusations of creating the third term of George W. Bush. Like the title says...

    (C) MMX, by Darren W. Alexander
    All Rights Reserved.

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