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    Thursday, May 21, 2009

    Alabama Police Beat Unconscious Driver

    Five Alabama police officer lost their badges after they beat a man who led them on a car chase through the streets and highways of Birmingham.

    January 23, 2008, Anthony Warren, 38, led Birmingham Police through a 22-minute, multi-highway chase. According to reports, a Birmingham police officer was questioning Warren about possible drug activity. Warren began to flee, beginning the chase. Eventually, he crashed on a shoulder. As his SUV crashed, Warren was thrown from the vehicle and was unconscious. Five officers then beat and kicked Warren, leaving him with a skull fracture and a severe concussion. Now Warren has filed a suit against the officers, who were terminated from the force, and the city of Birmingham. Warren, meantime, is serving a 20 year sentence for first degree assault for striking an officer with his van.

    Police Chief A.C. Roper call the officers' conduct "shameful" in a report.

    Were the officers wrong in their effort to restrain Mr. Warren? Were they aware that he was already out cold? They could've killed the man, and subsequently faced murder charges. and Mr. Warren could've killed the officer as well. As far as I can tell, both the terminated officers and Mr. Warren were in the wrong. Mr. Warren would have been better off staying put and taking his medicine. The officers, because they let their emotions and frustrations get the best of them.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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