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    Wednesday, April 08, 2009

    Note To Assassin-Wannbe: You've Targeted the Wrong Guy!

    A plot was recently uncovered to kill President Barack Obama. The suspect is of Syrian descent, and he reportedly had three accomplices who were supposed to help him.

    Now, had he decided to carry out his plot, say...five or six months ago, when George W. Bush was still stinking up the Oval Office, perhaps I would have forgiven the poor sap for wanting to slice and dice the "Decider". But to want to stab Obama, now that's what I call pure stupidity. After all, Obama didn't start the war on terrorism. Nor does he call Syria an enemy state- at least, not that I heard anyway. If this assassin-wannabe wants to start World War III, that's on him (just make sure I'm on one of those Virgin space flights en route to Riegel or Mars when that happens...).

    The job of being a head of state- be it President of the United States; Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; or what have you- is tough. The last thing you need is some whack job wanting to kill that head, just because he or she doesn't like the leader's policies. Sure, I could've knocked off Bush because of his acts of jackassery. But then, I would've had the Secret Service, the FBI, and probably the CIA on my ass- and you know how fun that is for people who've been under their withering interrogations. Besides, I love my freedom too much.

    This assassin obviously had his reasons for wanting to kill Obama. None of them will probably make sense, but it shows the balls of some people to disrupt what is already a fragile peace.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander
    All Rights Reserved

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