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    Thursday, November 29, 2007

    Bank Robber Wins $1 Million- Should He Get to Keep the Winnings?

    A Hyannis, Massachusetts man goes into a convenience store, spends $10 on a scratch-off ticket (here in the Beaver State, we call them 'scratch-its'). He wins the top prize of $1 Million.

    $1 Million! That's awesome! That's $50,000 a year, before taxes.

    But here's where things get weird: the prize winner is a convicted bank robber. And the man- Timothy Elliot, 55- may not get to keep the winnings, if the judge who handled his bank robbery cases decides so. Elliot was convicted of two bank robberies and was sent to a mental hospital after each conviction. Elliot could go back to jail for violating his probation- which had terms that he was not to gamble in any form.

    Even stranger- the Massachusetts Lottery says that technically, Elliot could play and win the prize.

    Look, Elliot made mistakes. Yes, he pled guilty to the two robberies. But, come on! This time, he won a prize- fair and square, I must add. So, my take on this is this:

    1. Take out whatever amount he owes on probation and fines out of his lottery check, part of it at least- and of course, taxes- and let him keep the remainder of it. Here's how the math goes: He'll get, let's say $35,000 after taxes. Okay, the state and Mr. Elliot's probation office split the $17,500, Tim Elliot keeps the remaining $17,500. No fuss. No muss. Help him with money management. Have him maintain an account in a bank (however, I don't recommending using any of the banks he allegedly robbed). Or...
    2. Given that the same goddamned family that threw him away now wants to welcome him back with open arms, get at least one trustworthy member to help him out (but, of course, even the 'trustworthy' one may not be know how it is with so-called friends- you look like shit and nobody loves you. You hit it big in the lottery or any other financial windfall break, everyone wants to suck your dick/eat your advice- MOVE OUT OF TOWN!...).

    Now what I would've done- if I were in Mr. Elliot's shoes- is taken the lumps sum- probably $500,000. After taxes, about $350,000. Let the probation office take about $105,000, which leaves Mr. Elliot $245,000. And I'd hire an accountant to help him with what I suggested in the latter part of #1 above. And I'd probably leave the state. Pay the $105,000 to the probation office, end the probation, and leave the state of Tax-sachussetts- too many bad memories.

    Of course, this could turn out like the NBC hit comedy, My Name is Earl. Just watch out for that ex-wife...and that kin as well.

    In January 2008, this blog will go under a new name- and I'll probably change that web address as well (I'm ironing out the details...).
    (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Friday, November 02, 2007

    Will Joe Torre Bring a World Series Ring to Los Angeles?

    A better question: Will the New York Yankees regret ever letting the best thing that has ever happened to them go? Or in this case, the best manager outside, say, the late Billy Martin, they ever had?

    Joe Torre has accepted a three-year, $13 million deal with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Now, whether that move will bring the former Brooklyn Dodgers, yet another pennant or no, that remains to be seen. But, the powers-that-be knew that Torre was a very hot commodity- bringing four World Series rings to the Bronx, plus numerous American League titles. One that's way too good to pass up.

    But Joe grew up a loyal New Yorker- he even got pissed when 'dem bums' moved from Brooklyn- so, how will he get used to the west coast, its' sunshine and the Dodgers organization itself? Will the Dodgers be the next 'America's team' under Torre? Or is it time for the once-great Yankee manager to call it quits?

    Oh, the questions that perplex us baseball fans.

    TM & Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Another 'Anti-Gay' Politician Bites the Dust

    Let's see here...Ted Haggard- the Colorado preacher...Larry Craig, the Idaho Senator...Mark Foley obviously likes little teen aged boys (only he forgot to tell Amerixca's most Wanted host John Walsh that).

    And now, another so-called anti-gay politician has bitten the dust


    You know, this song is becoming the theme for every politician who has went against gay rights, but forgot to mention that he or she prefers lovers of the same sex. Having said this, this Washington state representative was reportedly seen going into an adult film store- in a dress, nonetheless!- and getting a blow job from some young boytoy.


    Two days ago, Washington state representative Richard Curtis, R-LaCenter, called it quits after news surfaced of his alleged trysts with a couple young men. Now, one of these young men, 26-year-old Cody Castagna is accused of trying to extort money from Curtis. Castagna allegedly told Curtis that he would tell wifey-poo that ol' Dick- sorry, I couldn't pass up the pun- that he liked dick (I just can't seem to get away from that word) if ol' Dick didn't pay up. Castagna on the other hand, says that ol' Dick Curtis was just trying to keep his little canoodling with boytoys, shall we say, in the closet.

    Now, if Curtis turns out to be gay, the worst that can happen is he gets divorce papers. But, if Cody diud try to extort Mr. Curtis, then Cody should face the judicial music likewise. But, with Representative Curtis' resignation- just like U.S. senator Larry Craig before him (this is before Craig did a 180, and decided to fight for his seat...sigh!)- it appears that what's happening is that we have yet another politician (and/or preacher) who votes against gay rights, yet wants to keep his/her little same sex trysts under wraps.

    A bit hypocritical, if you ask me. But you can never tell these knuckleheaded Bible-thumping, homophobic types that, can you?

    TM & Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.