Happy now, Jared Loughner, the alleged shooter of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona? Did it make you happy that you shot down an "enemy" of freedom, whatever your definition of this is? I looked at this guy's website, and reportedly, many of the residents he speak of are illiterate, and aren't dreamers. I can't help but wonder what he means by this? Is Mr. Loughner dreaming of a day when civil rights for blacks, Latinos, etc comes to an end? Does he dream of a day when white supremacy isn't a scorn, but a badge of honor for America? Perhaps he looks forward to a day when the American flag features a swastika (I think that the Arizona state flag may do so in the near future, given Pima County sheriff Clarence Dupnik's comment about Arizona being a hotbed of bigotry and hatred). Judging from what I've seen on his reading list, apparently he believes that the current government is sapping away his energy. And that "Mein Kampf" should be read alongside the Bible.
I can't help but wonder how Sarah Palin is reacting to this. Glenn Beck. Bill O'Reilly. Even Portland's own Lars Larson. Yes, they're second amendment supporters, but this entry isn't about the second amendment, or even guns. This is about the people- particularly those who are mentally unstable- who hear such messages that America is going down a path toward hell, and that the- I'm sorry, but I must use the word- nigger who calls himself a President is the face of Satan. Sure, those commentators I've mentioned above have the right to say what they want- as does Mr. Olbermann in the clip above, and fellow lefties such as Randi Rhodes, and Ed Schultz. But what this boils down to is that Keith Olbermann is dead center right. We are all guilty of saying things that may set someone off. We never know who among us in the crowd is suffering from some kind of psychosis or delusion. One innocuous message could be the very thing that makes the mentally unstable person explode, which results in something similar to yesterday's mass shooting.
In closing, Jared Loughner may have believed that the government was out to get him, and his actions was a way to convey this. But I also see a troubled young man who may have had a direction in life, but chose to stray from that path, and in the process lost almost all control. If he would have gotten the help he needed, I seriously doubt that Gabbie Giffords would be in a hospital room right now.
(C) 2011 by Darren W. Alexander.
All Rights Reserved.
In closing, Jared Loughner may have believed that the government was out to get him, and his actions was a way to convey this. But I also see a troubled young man who may have had a direction in life, but chose to stray from that path, and in the process lost almost all control. If he would have gotten the help he needed, I seriously doubt that Gabbie Giffords would be in a hospital room right now.
(C) 2011 by Darren W. Alexander.
All Rights Reserved.
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