You would think that we as Americans would care about our health. Here in Portland, Oregon, where I live, we're fucking health nuts (well, many of us, anyway). Everywhere I go, I can't walk one-quarter of a block- let alone a mile or two- without seeing someone jogging or riding a bike. Hell, you can even ride your bike on three of the four Interstate highways (5, 84, 205, 405) in town (the Stadium freeway- I-405- is the lone holdout, though who knows? Perhaps they'll find a way to build bike paths on that 3-mile stretch. Of course, they'd have to negotiate some engineering on the double decker Fremont Bridge...). Anyway, I'm straying from the subject at hand.
It appears that the passage in the House of the Health Bill has gotten a lot of groups riled up. Of course, this vitriol against the 44th president has went on long before he decided to work on health care. Our friends in the white supremacy movement think that having a "nigger" in the White House will cause the sky to collapse. What with their Second amendment rights seemingly under threat- at least, according to them, anyway- and the fact that he's running the country (in the ground, they think...), their racial existence is under threat. Then there is the tea party movement, which reportedly welcomes the neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, and John Turner society types. They see the health care reform as something that come from Russian icons Lenin and Stalin. Hell, they even have the audacity to make Obama look like German chancellor Adolf Hitler- as if Barack is Adolf's long-lost brother (of course, Barack had hidden from the Aryan public for awhile- lest Dolfie-baby's message gets lost over the fact that he would have a black sibling born 16 years later...). Cue the Russian national anthem (Cold War-era version).
You'd think that in the 21st Century, we'd be long past the racial arguments, and that everyone would get along fine. Of course, that could only happen in the Andromeda galaxy, because it sure as hell isn't happening here in the Milky Way. I'm not one to play the race card, but I'm beginning to wonder if race relations have really evolved- or are some of these factions are making attempts to regress back to the 1950s America. Some folks are upset because blacks, Asians, Arabs, and Latinos- and in a large sense, women- are in position of power politically, industrially, and even financially. Some are upset that these aforementioned groups are doing well, mainly through hard work and persistence, while these complainers and haters aren't going anywhere. I don't know if the people who play the blame game have simply given up on their dreams, but perhaps if they would just stop their bitching, and start chasing their dreams and making them into reality, maybe we wouldn't have this conversation.
Of course, all of this is lost on the white power and tea party types. Let's find H.G. Wells, so we can send these folks back to the 1950s- just so they can leave the rest of us alone.
(C) MMX, by Darren W. Alexander
All Rights Reserved.
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