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    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    Massachusetts Senate Race Close

    The free-for-all that is the US senate seat to replace the late Edward Kennedy's senate seat has already turned into a fiasco.

    Democrat Martha Coakley has alleged that ballots were tampered with, and she has asked state attorney general William Galvin to look into the matter. Meanwhile, the race, according to sources- including CNN- is a close one, with Republican Scott Brown holding a lead over Coakley. What's really at stake is the domestic agenda of President Obama, most notably, the health care fight that continues. If Brown wins, the Democrats in the Senate will be one seat short of avoiding any fillibusters. This means that the Democrats will have to step up their game, especially given the fact that many are facing challenges in efforts to get re-elected this year.

    (C)MMX, by Darren W. Alexander
    All Rights Reserved.

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