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Monday, August 31, 2009
Female teacher charged with sexually abusing 2 teenage boys | Local News | | News for Portland Oregon and SW Washington | News for Portland Oregon and SW Washington
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Two young men- aged fifteen and seventeen- got pretty lucky with one of their teachers. Problem is, the age of consent is 18 in the liberal state of Oregon, and Wendy Cannin, who is twice the age of the boys (she's 300, may be in hot water over it. Apparently, these relationship happened over several months, and these young guys- as many young boys are apt to do when they get lucky- opened their mouths about banging Ms. Cannin, and the Morrow County sheriff intervened and arrested Cannin on a count of sexual misconduct, and six third-degree counts of rape, sodomy and sex abuse (the more serious charges because she seduced the 15-year-old...the less serious charge of sexual misconduct, because the other boy is 17. Sex with a child over 16, but under 18 in Oregon is a Class A misdemeanor...).
Now, had she banged the 17 year old in Georgia- considered a more conservative state- the cops would have shrugged it off. Had she banged the 15 year old there...well, let's just say that she'd be better off waiting until he turns 16, which is the age of consent in Georgia.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, August 28, 2009
DJ AM Dead of Apparent Overdose
AM was found this afternoon at his apartment, apparently surrounded by drug paraphernilia.
Click on the title for the story by WNBC New York.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Edward Kennedy- Scion of the Kennedy Dyanasty 1932-2009
Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy aspired to be like his brothers John and Robert. The three brothers ran for President on separate occasions, but the eldest of the trio, John, succeeded. Bobby was shot down while campaigning for the top office. And Ted himself had a run for the presidency in 1980- imagine what the world would have been like had he won and beat Ronald Wilson Reagan, the retired governor of California. Kennedy was the second most senior member of the Senate, after West Virginia Democrat Robert Byrd, and third longest serving- at nine terms- again, Byrd wins hands down at 50 years. At the time of his death, at 77, last night, Kennedy had served a total of 46 years (and 292 days).
Like his brothers, he had his share of scandal. 40 years ago last month, Kennedy drove off the Dike Bridge into the Poucha Pond inlet on Chappaquiddick Island on Martha's Vineyard. One of the members of the "Boiler Room Girls"- a group of women who were supporting Bobby Kennedy's run for the office- Mary Jo Kopechne was a passenger. She drowned, while Ted Kennedy swam to safety. Kennedy plead guilty days later to leaving the scene of an accident, and was sentenced to two months in jail. The sentence was suspended. Even so, he remained in Congress for another 40 years.
As many know, Kennedy wore his liberalism on his sleeve. One of the things that stand out, for me, at least, about Senator Kennedy is his battle to keep federal judge Robert Bork from being confirmed in the US Supreme Court. Now, a bit of personal back story, at the time, I was a flag-waving, "pro-life", Southern Baptist- and Republican. The church I went to, First Baptist Church of Atlanta, is the home of In Touch Ministries, in which the senior pastor Charles Frazier Stanley still presides today (he's been head pastor for 38 years). Pastor Stanley passionately wanted Bork in the Supreme Court. After all, Stanley believed that Bork would put "God back in the schools, etc." Senator Kennedy, however, believed that Bork would move back the clock on civil rights and the right to choose between abortion and carrying to full term. Needless to say, Bork was not confirmed to the court. It also affected how Washington did business with controversial nominees and/or candidates.
Last year, Kennedy was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, in which he had surgery for. He cut down his workload, but was able to attend President Obama's inauguration this year. However, he suffered a seizure that day, which was attributed to exhaustion.
Kennedy's death comes just two weeks after his sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver died at 88. Kennedy is survived by wife Victoria, sister Jean Kennedy Smith, and three children, Kara Anne Kennedy, Edward Moore Kennedy, Jr., and US Representative Patrick Joseph Kennedy II, who serves the 1st Congressional district of Rhode Island.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Worshipping the Perfect Bitch at the Three-Legged Dog - Darren W. Alexander's MySpace Blog |
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Yesterday, I wrote a blog entry on my MySpace page- yes, I have a Myspace page. The thing is I'm writing- or in the process of writing a novel or short story that centers around a bar in the Pearl District in Portland. This will obviously be something, but as with all writing, this will take time.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, August 24, 2009
It was Propofol That Killed Michael
The official cause of Michael Jackson's death, according to an unsealed affidavit released by Harris County, was the sedative propofol- marketed under the name Diprivan by pharmaceutical AstraZeneca PLC- which is used as an anesthetic. Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, had administered the drug some six weeks before Jackson's death on June 25, and had administered it on the night of Jackson's passing as well. Murray will now likely face manslaughter charges and lose his medical license as well. According to NBC, Jackson took 50 milligrams of Propofol nightly for insomnia, but Murray reportedly lowered the dose when he saw that Jackson was becoming addicted to the drug. Also on the night before Jackson's death, Valium, also known as diazepam; lorazepam (marketed as Ativan and Temesta), and midazolam were administered. Those drugs were found in his system as well.
Murray is now likely to face charges of manslaughter (likely involuntary), and loss of his medical license.
I can't help but wonder why Dr. Murray couldn't have taken Michael to some rehab clinic, like Betty Ford or Hazelden, for help. Sure, Michael had insomnia, but a bit of television or a nice brisk walk would like solve that problem. Or, if those didn't help, watch some boring ass movie or read some boring ass book. Anything except living like his ex-father in law, Elvis Presley (yeah, I know. The King was already dead when Mijac married his little girl in 1994. Still, I think there was an earthquake in Memphis that day, centered around Graceland...). Think what you will about Michael, he still was a shining star and one hell of a performer, which is why a good part of me wishes that he didn't go the way of Elvis. But at least, I have some kind of closure knowing that the mystery of Jackson's death is now solved.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Porn makers criticized over lack of condoms - WMC-TV: News, Weather, Traffic, Radar, and Sports for Memphis, TN; |
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Okay, this is the only time I will show porn on this...
Now that I have your attention, I must man up and say that I told a half truth. Besides, if you want to look at two people fucking, you'd have to go to one of my other blogs, The DWA Musings. And that's a private blog, in which I only let special friends go to. Otherwise, despite the fact that this blog site has a seemingly pornographic name, it's actually a hard news and opinion site(...oh, what the hell? If you're good, I just might show you a clip at the end).
Seriously, though, porn is the subject of this entry, and some AIDS advocacy group, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, isn't too fond of what's going on up in Van Nuys. It seems that our favorite porn artists (and I'm afraid that includes you, Ron "The Hedgehog" Jeremy) are a bit careless with those money shots. They're mad because a lot of you aren't wearing the Durexes or Trojans like you should. This despite the fact that the adult film industry requires that performers have their HIV tests every two or three months, and that anyone who carries the virus is blacklisted from ever performing those anal, fellatio/cunnilingus, etc. scenes again. The AHF could at least work with the porn industry, encourage safe sex practices, but make condoms optional. it seems to me that the AHF wants to run the industry, and act like some kind of Christian temperance league or something, instead of letting consenting- and in many instances, responsible- adults do their thing. It's almost like these stuffy types want to invade the bedroom. Well, AHF, stay the hell out of mine, and butt out on the mandatory condom rule.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Sheriff Isham Shouldn't Lose His Job Over His Affair
Isn't that a little harsh a judgment to give a man who likes to have a woman on the side? While I still think that Isham should have manned up sooner about the tryst, I'm not going to say that he was wrong for cheating on the wife- that's for him, the wife, and probably the Deity to work out (and I don't think the Deity will be as harsh on Isham as the Oregon Attorney General has been). Sure, law enforcement officers are supposed to be pillars of the community, but we do have some rotten to the core apples who need to relinquish their badges. Isham, however, doesn't come across to me as one of them. He's human. He has needs, and perhaps the wife wasn't meeting those needs. Or perhaps she was, and he needed a bit more excitement. I don't know about what goes on in Sheriff Isham's private life, and I don't give a rat's ass about what he does either, as long as no one gets hurt. It's time for us- the general public- to stop worrying about whether the sheriff or police chief is cheating on their spouses/significant others, and worry about how they're performing their jobs. Their jobs, as I see it, are hard enough already without us bitching at every wrong move- save for, perhaps a brutality case- they make.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Marion County Sheriff resigns over affair | Local News | | News for Portland Oregon and SW Washington
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Marion County, Oregon Sheriff Russ Isham called it quits after an investigation by Oregon Attorney General John kroger revealed "substantial evidence of offical misconduct stemming from an extramrtial affair. Isham apparently tried to hide the tryst, which, if you ask me, is an act only a pussy would commit. as I said in the last entry, I personally find nothing wrong with extramarital affairs. But if you're in the public eye, you may want to be a bit more careful. Of course, if you want to publicize your affair, go right ahead. You'd have more balls than now ex-Sheriff Isham, and the philandering politicians I've bitched about in this blog.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Okay, John. How's Your Affair Different Than Bill Clinton's?
Excuse me, but do I sense a little,, hypocrisy here? Johnny boy having his affair, and it's all fine and dandy. After all, when a Republican does it, it's much ado about nothing. But let a Democrat- such as John Edwards or Eliot Spitzer, or even the man born William Jefferson Blythe IV- have one, and the entire planet gets thrown into chaos. Now many Republicans- and for that matter, Democrats- believe that the book we call the Bible is inspired of the Deity called God (in some circles, Jehovah), and that one of the "Ten Commandments" says that "Thou shalt not commit adultery". So, let me ask you, Senator Ensign, if you believe that the commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is one of the tenets of the Republican Party, and that you believe in living by the so-called "Good Book", what in the world makes you think that fucking your friend's wife was any different than Bill Clinton receiving a blow job while in the Oval Office? Now, I'm not saying that adultery is wrong- personally, I couldn't care less, plus admittedly, I've had numerous adulterous affairs myself, and probably will have a few more before it's all said and done. But if you know that your constituents are watching every goddamned move you make, why bother having one in the first place?
The Republican Party. The party of values. Which one, who knows? But they're for "traditional" values. If you can call committing adultery while making fun of the other guy who does the same thing "traditional".
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Les Paul- The Original Guitar God
When Lester William Polfus, of Waukseha, Wisconsin, first tried to create an electric guitar at thirteen, he placed a telephone receiver under the strings of an acoustic guitar. It worked a bit, but the sound was too low. A bit more tinkering, and Lester perfected the instrument enough to create the elctric guitar- and he was only fourteen. Of course, this idea was a bit "crazy"- he said that people called him a "nut", when he played it in a nightclub. Of course, somebody would get the last laugh, as Gibson created the Les Paul- named for the creator, the aforementioned Lester Polfus, who had shortened his last name to "Paul".
But Paul didn't just reinvent the guitar as we know it today, but also invented the eight-track recording, which was the start of the multi-track recording technology that exists to this day. He also created a delayed effect called tape echo. He also had a string of hits with his wife of 13 years, Mary Ford. They also had a weekly TV show in the 1950's. The two divorced in 1962, and Ford died in 1977.
But Paul was his happiest when he was performing in front of adoring fans at New York spots. Even when he became ill, Paul kept on performing, almost right to the end. Heaven obviously needed another rocker today, so they called up Les. Many a rock and blues guitarist owe a great debt to Les. Without him, music would a lot less enjoyable.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Michael Vick's Next Mistake: His Media Plan - Sports Biz with Darren Rovell -
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Michael Vick once had a brilliant career with the Atlanta Falcons, with 11,505 yards passing and 3,859 rushing. He is third among NFL quareterbacks in rushing. A real promising career. Too bad he thought that dog fighting was more profitable. So, after nearly two years in prison, Vick wants to return to the NFL- only no team wants him (at this point, he'll be lucky to play little league/ Pop Warner football). And even if he apologizes, there will be no fucking way in hell he'll see another NFL field (probably except as a spectator- that is, if the guards will even let him in the gates).
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Sports Biz with Darren Rovell, (C) 2009 CNBC
Monday, August 10, 2009
Let's Bring Back Fights in the NHL
Kane, 20 and one of his cousins, James Kane, got in a fight with a cab driver who drove for Chippewa Cab. Apparently, Pat Kane- who was drafted in the first round by the Blackhawks two seasons ago- had shorted the driver twenty cents, and the driver demanded those two dimes. The driver's nose is broken, and the Kanes are charged with theft of services, second degree robbery, and fourth degree criminal mischief. He has plead not guilty. (Click on the title for the WGRZ-TV story).
Well, this may be a solution- or it could make matters worse. Take your pick. Remember when there were fights on the ice rink during NHL games. You know, two pissed off guys battling out on the floor, just because one of them allegedly made a cheap and blatant shot against the other?Stifmeister1/YouTube
Those were the days, weren't they?
But those days are gone, and the NHL- dare I say this?- have become a bit pussified. Oh, sure, the wealthy among us pay for those seat licenses and amenities that make watching three periods (and if necessary, sudden death matches) worthwhile. But the NHL took away the one thing that fans really came for. The brawls! The bloodbaths! Kill the fucking bastard! I think it's time those in-game boxing matches on the rink made a return. Let us watch two- or more- guys go at it, releasing their frustrations during the match, so when the match is over, they go home- or to a bar- and sing happy songs with some stripper (or other female fans). Just remember, guys. There are plenty of hot girls dying to carry a hockey player's baby, so if on girl's not available, go to the next one.
There. Problem solved.
Just a suggestion.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Accused shooter of Chargers' Brinkley in jail
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The accused shooter of San Diego Chargers rookie Chris Brinkley, Anthony Peterson, thought that he had shot at a romantic rival he had sought, but apparently shot Brinkley in a case of mistaken identity. Peterson had been dating Brinkley's sister, and obviously was very possessive- or not. No matter what he's charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, and other charges, and he's due for a hearing on August 19. Brinkley is in stable condition at an area hospital.
Click on the bottom title link for the ESPN story.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Premature Dead Baby Boy Cries, "Wait a Sec!"
The baby boy was born prematurely and was later declared dead by doctors after medics tried revive him. So the family brought the boy home for burial when all in a sudden the kid cried out, "Don't even go there!" Okay, so the boy didn't do this, but just as the grieving father, Jose Alvarenga, opened the coffin, the boy was breathing.
The boy's back n the hospital in stable condition.
The father probably thought, "I'm going nuts here. My precious boy is dead." But when Jose opened the coffin, junior grabbed him by the collar "You're trying to get rid of me, aren't you?", Okay, kidding. But the parents are very overjoyed and blessed that the (as-of-yet) unnamed son is among them. Might I suggest naming the son Milagro, for "miracle"?
Click on the title for the Daily Mail story.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
Billy Mays Here For Cocaine
The cause of Billy Mays death being cocaine had me surprised. After all, according to news reports that were released on June 28- the day of Mays' death- he had no history of drug abuse. He did have a history of heart disease, but a drug habit, Bill? Not cocaine, at least. Well, it's a little late to say this now, but no wonder he was so hyped up.
Comes to show how much we, the endearing fans, know about the celebrities we love and worship (Lindsay Lohan and Megan Fox notwithstanding). Mays seemed so clean cut, so full of joie de vivre. We never expected him to be a coke addict, but here it is. Just read the toxicology report: , and the autopsy report: .
At least, we have some sense of closure. Or do we?
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Billy Mays Toxicology Report Released
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See the next entry for my take on these findings.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. News Report: (C) 2009 WFLA-TV, All Rights Reserved
Jenny Sanford- Soon To Be Ex-First Lady?
Looks like South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford is taking the first steps toward being an "ex"- as in "ex-First Lady", and "ex-wife" of that lovable hunk of love, Governor Mark Sanford. As we all know, Mr. Sanford lied to the constituents of the Palmetto State weeks ago when he said that he was hiking the Appalachians, which I'm sure are somewhere in South America. In Argentina, I think. I'm not sure. Anyway, he made the confession that he was seeing his Argentine girlfriend, Maria Belen Chapur (cue the bluegrass tango music, in honor of Mr. Sanford's Appalachian tango...oh, okay, so Buenos Aires is the capital of South Well, it looks like Columbia. At least, Mr. Sanford thinks so, right?)
The governor says that he supports Jenny's packing her bags and moving back to the family residence on Sullivans Island. She said that she's continuing the healing process, as she recovers from Mark's philandering- c'mon, Jen! He was on official business in Argentina, remember?...wait...I mean, the Appalachians.
Jenny, confess to your best friend Darren here, you're dumping the son of a bitch. He already said that he loves Maria, and that you're a old sow that's in the way. Yes, he said that he'll try to love you, but, honey, face it! Your marriage is in such a state where you're singing along with the 1980s group The Motels (for the link to the video to "Take The L", just click here: Keep your head high as you deliver this bum his divorce papers. Then, you can do your own little tango.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Never Eat After Committing a Burglary
Hey, all you burglars and home invaders out there, when you get done burglarizing somebody's home, don't stick around to stuff your faces. Or you'll face the same fate that Thomas Allen Wilcox is facing now.
On Tuesday of this week, Wilcox broke into a house, raped a woman and- in a brilliant act of machismo- threatened to sexually assault the woman's six-year-old daughter as well.
As heinous as this crime was, Wilcox's next crime will go down as hilarious and dumb. After attacking the woman, Wilcox ate an entire roasted chicken the woman left for her fiance, then ran off (with the woman's laptop computer in tow) when the fiance arrived home. The fiance called police at around 2:30 AM, and gave police a good description of Wilcox. Wilcox was apprehended a half hour later by Lt. John Smith, of the Portland Police, who drove in an unmarked car. Of course, Wilcox denied having committed any crime, but Smith noticed the dangling laptop cord from Wilcox's pocket (the laptop was found in a nearby bush).
But here's the proof of the stupidity of Mr. Wilcox. Remember the roasted chicken he ate? Well, he puked it up while in custody.
Wilcox faces a laundry list of charges: three counts of first degree burglary, one count each of first degree rape, first degree sodomy, attempted first degree sodomy, first degree robbery, and first degree theft. What makes this story even better is the fact that his DNA is in the state database, since he has prior convictions for theft, arson, criminal trespass, and sale of marijuana.
My, what a fucking smart man this Tommy Wilcox is.
Click on the title for the story from Also watch this story at:
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
"Brat Pack" Director John Hughes Dead at 59
simonetti2007/Paramount Pictures Corporation/YouTube
That was a scene from one of my favorite John Hughes movies, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". Who better than Ferris (Matthew Broderick) himself to dance to the Beatles? The writer and director of this classic comedy was John Hughes, who wrote and directed numerous of 1980s teen hit movies such as "Sixteen Candles"; "The Breakfast Club"- another one of my favorites- which starred Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, and Judd Nelson, among others.
Here's the trailer for the film:JamesDeanRebel/Universal Pictures/YouTube
He also written and produced two of the "Home Alone" films, and written 1983's "National Lampoon's Vacation", which was based upon his short story in "National Lampoon" magazine about his family's hilarious ill-fated trip to Disneyland. Hughes made other very successful films in the 1980s and 1990s, such as 1987's "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles", starring the late John Candy and Steve Martin as a mismatched traveling pair- the "pillow" scene still makes me laugh to this day.
Punchbear/Paramount Pictures Corporation/YouTube
Hughes started out as an advertising copywriter before branching out to Hollywood. He created the Edge shaving cream "Credit Card Shaving Test".
Hughes went on to write for the 1979 TV sitcom "Delta House", before his first produced screenplay 1982's "Class Reunion", also a product of "National Lampoon", was released.
Hughes suffered a fatal heart attack while walking in Manhattan today. He was 59, and is survived by his wife of 39 years, Nancy and his sons John and James, and four grandchildren.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
George Soldini Hates Mom
In the last entry, I talked about one part of the reasons George Soldini killed three women and wounded 15 others- including a pregnant instructor (the instructor survived). What I neglected to mention is that he apparently has an 18-year-old child running around on the planet somewhere. Whether that's true or no, we'll know soon enough.
In his blog, which you can read by clicking here at , or, if you prefer to read the entire eight page excerpt, click here for the link from CNN: . Soldini blames his mother and his older brother, Michael Soldini, for his screw-ups. I'll quote a few lines, which I got from the ABC News website ( ):
Mum- The Central Boss...Don't piss her off or she will be mad and vindictive for years. She actually thinks she's normal. Very dominant...A power and control thing...She is the Boss above all Bosses.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that this was a line from an episode of "The Sopranos". Perhaps Mr. Soldini had some kind of Mafia fantasy or something? I don't know.
Michael Soldini- A Boss, my brother...Always the big bully, twice the size of most others. When he bullied or harassed someone, it was the other person who "deserved it"...The biggest, most self-centered jagoff (sic) I know.
The most interesting mention- before "Mum"- is for the Tetelestai church in Pittsburgh: ...This guy teaches (and convinced me) you can commit mass murder and still go to heaven. Ask him.
You know, George, I think I will. I'll get back with you on that.
(I had attempted to contact the church via e-mail, but I'm afraid that I'll have to call them. Of course, if any pf these Tetelestai church guys want to comment, feel free, guys).
I can't say that George had a fucked-up childhood, after all, I never met the man. But even if his formative years were a bit less than that, this doesn't mean that he couldn't change and become more productive. At least, he was success in business, working at the L&K Gates law firm in Pittsburgh, so obviously, his mother did her best to raise him right. I'm sure that she was proud to know he was successful in life- of course, she was probably hoping that he would get a wife. Who knows?
But in the end, George Soldini was responsible for his own failures. As I said in the last entry, this guy didn't seem to be doing bad, and if it wasn't for the fact that he had some hang ups about his dating life- or lack thereof- perhaps he would have made a great husband and father.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Pennsylvania LA Fitness Gym Shooter Kept Online Diary in Plotting the Attack - ABC News/WTAE-TV News
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Subtitle: "'Cause the Bible Told Me To Shoot These Bitches"
As I'm reading this story about George Sodini, the pussy who decided to go into a gym in Pittsburgh, and shoot 18 women- including a pregnant woman- my blood is boiling over why he did this. Furthermore, this bozo was a member of the LA Fitness club on Washington Pike in Collier Township. How stupid can he get? The fucked up thing is he had been planning this for a year, which to me is a mighty long time to be carrying any grudges- let alone a lifetime hating mom and his older brother.
Let ask this. Why did Mr. Sodini feel that he was a reject? I read parts of his blog and diary entries as I was eating lunch- no girlfriend in 25 years. No sex in 19. But if you would look at the May 18, 2009 entry, he did have a date, so there seemed to be some kind of hope for him, as there was another invitation for a date from another woman (you can also look at the contents at the WTAE-TV/DT website ) Seems like this guy- who had plenty of money, a good job as a systems analyst at the Pittsburgh law firm K&L Gates (he even mentioned that he got a raise and promotion- even in this "shitty Obama economy". Though I'd have to say that I seriously doubt that our current Commander in Chief has started the "shitty economy" shtick), quite attractive, and obviously knows how to keep himself up- had some major self esteem issues. He was expecting to bat 1.000, but he only had an average of, I guess .250 before taking a major plunge. It seems to me that he wanted some younger women, 18 to 25 (perhaps to be their sugar daddy? Just a thought...).
From what I've read, Mr. Soldini focused only on his failures- his failure to walk up and meet/greet women, and what seems to be wrong with the world today- instead of his successes, such as the date he went on with the unidentified woman the week before Memorial Day. I can't help but wonder how that turned out. Did the woman start getting close to him, and he got scared? Or did he screw things up and fucked up any chances of future dates? Who knows? But the thing is this guy seemed to have everything, which is why I cannot understand why he had to shoot up 18 women. Yes, us guys- and gals- get rejected from time to time. And yes, we all have our self-esteem issues, too. I'll admit that I'm a shy person, but I'm working on getting rid of that. Having said this, George Soldini's shouldn't have gone as far as they did last night. There had to have been at least one confidant he could have talked to, and had that confidant seen the warning signs- and I'll make clear that I'm not blaming any friends of Mr. Soldini- perhaps he may have gotten the help he needed. And eighteen women- including the three fatalities- would be still be dancing in class at the LA Fitness.
Feel free to click above for access to the ABC News (below the title) and (on the title) WTAE websites. Below is a press conference from WTAE and CNN:
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
George Sodini Blog, LA Fitness Shooting Planned in Online Diary - FULL BLOG TEXT - ABC News
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I'm currently working on a larger entry here, but for those interested, ABC News has the full text of George Sodini's blog entries. ABC has removed the words "nigger" and "bitch", and a few other expletives.
All I can say is that this was one sad fuck.
Entry: (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander.
Report: (C) 2009 by ABC News. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Republican Tennessee State Senator Bites the Dust (Due to Lust...Hell, It Rhymes!)
It's the continuation of the domino effect involving those crusaders of values, faith, and the American Way. Yes, true believers, another Republican politician has fallen prey to the evils of temptation.
This time, it's a Tennessee state senator named Paul Stanley...
(Darren to Control Room)No, you fucking idiots, not THAT Paul Stanley! This one...what?...the pussy's too camera shy? Well, you're just gonna have to click to the video link below then:
Mr. Stanley, who bitched about having sex outside of marriage- be it fornicating or having those patented adulterous affairs- has been embroiled in a little tryst of his own. with his 22 year old intern named McKensie Morrison. The senator, whose district is based in the Memphis suburb of Germantown, got caught with his pants down (figuratively...and likely, literally) when another guy who's been porking McKensie found photographs of his girlfriend and Senator Stanley and tried to extort Stanley (see the PDF here: ). Tennessee Bureau of Investigation was notified, and Joel Watts was arrested. But Mr. Stanley himself was under the gun, and was pressured to resign his state senator job, which he will do one week from today. It must be noted that Senator Stanley opposed unmarried couples- and particularly gays and lesbians- from adopting children. he sponsored a bill this year to bar unmarried people from adopting. It failed miserably in committee.
Looks like his efforts to save his marriage to Kristi will also fail in committee- likely in a Shelby County courtroom near you. Memphis, get ready for some drama.
By the way, Paul Stanley of KISS should kick the one in Tennessee's ass- just for disgracing his name.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
My Dick's Stuck To My Stomach
Your humble douchebag correspondent, DARREN ALEXANDER, finishes up a sentence on his laptop. He faces the camera.
DARREN: Greetings, scandal lovers. Last night, I talked briefly on the poor bastard who got beat up by his three lovers- and his wife. The four, Therese A. Zieman; Michelle Belliveau; Wendy Sewell; and the wife (unidentified thanks to the cocksucker husband who is a sexual assault victim) are charged with false imprisonment and one of the women faces a fourth degree sexual assault charge...excuse me...
DARREN: Uh...Cathy. What are you doing?
Cathy reaches inside and strokes Darren.
DARREN: Ah, yes. That feels--OUCH! Damn, woman. what's the matter with you?
CATHY: You've cheated on me with that bitch Nicole for the last time.
Cathy slaps Darren across the face.
DARREN: Can't you see I'm in the middle of a show here?
CATHY: Oh, I'm sure that your audience wouldn't mind (to camera) Would you audience?
DARREN: Security? Somebody get Cat off the stage.
FEMALE SECURITY GUARD #1 struts in and takes out her handcuffs.
DARREN (TO GUARD): That's right. Escort--
Security guard# 1 handcuffs Darren.
DARREN: I said handcuff Cathy here, not me. (to camera) Folks, you get the feeling that this entry's not going well? Anyway, the four women each face six years in jail for kicking the poor saps' ass and--(to Cathy)Aha! we're making a porno, aren't we? You dirty girl--(Cathy punches Darren)Are you out of your rabbit ass mind? (to camera) Excuse me while I attempt to talk sense to her...
Darren is tied up.
Cathy and Female Security Guard #1 are joined by three more females- the aforementioned NICOLE, the second being Darren's ex-fiancee DEBBIE, and the other, Darren's sister Renee.
DARREN: Okay, I'm back and---damn it, Renee, I'm your favorite brother. Will you let your big brother out of this--
Renee kicks Darren in the knee
DARREN: OW! Nee-nee!(say "nay-nay")
RENEE: You were always a douchebag.
DARREN: Like Josh wasn't?
RENEE: Josh is the nicer of you two...prick.
DARREN: That', very nice of you, Renostacles (the crazy nicknames we come up for siblings when we were camera) I see I'm not going to get any help from family here (to Debbie) Oh, Deb-Deb, I still love you. Even after twenty years (Darren sings- quite badly) I'm still in love with--
Debbie slams Darren's head on his desk.
DEBBIE: You weren't all that good in--
DARREN (TO Debbie): Okay, I get the picture. But you know I still love you.
Nicole- Darren's current girlfriend- places a choke hold on Darren.
NICOLE (to Darren): What the fuck did you say?
DARREN (to Nicole): I mean you, baby. You, I love.
CATHY: make up your mind, Casanova.
DEBBIE: Yeah! Make up your mind.
NICOLE: Which one of us do you want to fuck more? Me? Debbie? Cathy?
Cathy hovers a tube of Krazy Glue over Darren.
CATHY (to the other women): Girls, I think it's time we glued it shut.
Cathy places the tube hole over Darren's mouth. Darren shakes his head violently.
Cathy and Renee glance at each other- with icy grins.
CATHY: Stroke him, Nikki.
DARREN: Hope for me after all.
Nicole lovingly waxes Darren's general.
Cathy squirts Krazy Glue on Darren's cock. Darren's eyes bulge.
CATHY (to Nicole): That's right. Stroke it, baby girl.
DARREN (to camera): This is not in the script, people!
Debbie and Renee punch Darren in the face, as Cathy strangles him.
Nicole slams Darren's cock to his stomach.
NICOLE (to Darren): That'll teach you not to fuck with us.
DARREN: Are you bitches out of your minds? Wait until I get my hands on you cunts!
Nicole, Cathy, and Debbie all do faux lap dances on Darren
DARREN: The august agency that represents me. Bastards. Anyway, the husband ended up''s...oh, goddamnit! They may as well welded my cock...why me, God? WHYYYYYYY?!
Okay, so the script's- and the acting's- kind of tacky. But I thought I'd have a little fun with this. The story, which you can look at by just clicking on the link in the "NFTHE-Twitter Updates" (the one to the left of "The man...the wife...and the 3 pissed-off lovers") to the story from the Appleton (Wisconsin) Post-Crescent.
As for me, I think I'm going to have to get a knife...or a crowbar.
Disclaimer: No Darrens were harmed in the making of this production.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Scorned Women Seek Revenge on Three-Timer - ABC News
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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But one Wisconsin man who had been dating three women- and was married to a fourth- found out that you don't mess with a bitch with a hard-on. Let alone four.
As I looked at the story- which you can see just by clicking on the title for the link at ABC News- I grabbed my nads, and thought OUCH! This guy's fucking with four women, and breaking their hearts? Bet he's wishing that he just stayed with the wife.
Look, if you're gonna sleep around with other women, guys, might I suggest, one, make sure the marriage is deader than a doornail- in fact, wait until the divorce is final before doing dipping into some other woman's honeypot. Two, if you're gonna date different women, you may want to do this in different parts of town- Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York are all large enough where you can carry on affairs without the other women knowing (just make sure you scream the right name when you're playing WWE wrestling under the sheets). Of course, some women don't mind if her man dates other women- just let her know who the other babes are. Besides, if you do thinks right, you may find yourself in the middle of a lesbian kiss-and-fuck fest. And the beauty of this is that you may be able to join in, and get three (or more) for the price of one.
Obviously, this cat got his three for one- except it's four times the pain.
Blog Entry: (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander.
Report: (C) 2009 by ABC News. All Rights Reserved.