Okay, President Obama went a bit overboard when he said that the Cambridge Police acted irresponsibly in the arrest of his friend, Harvard professor Henry Gates. The president since admitted that he didn't have all the facts- after all, like everyone, he's human. So tonight, the three parties- the president, the professor and the arresting officer, Sergeant James Crowley of the Cambridge police- sat down over beer tonight and had a dialog. It seems to have gone okay from what I've seen.
However, one person seems to want to play the race card, and it appears that he's been doing this much as of late. It seems like conservative radio commentator Glenn Beck either has a hard-on for the president, or he just one pissed off son of a bitch. Click here for the Air America link to hear Beck's tirades, and Ron Reagan's response: http://www.airamerica.com/ronreagan/blog/2009/jul/29/ron-reagan-rant-glenn-beck-racism-unhinged
And I thought only white people were racists.
All joking aside, it seems like Beck has nothing better to do than to commiserate over the loss of John McCain in last year's presidential campaign, and mourn over the fact that the ramrodding party that the GOP and many business leaders have held has ended. Beck...he's just some paranoid, "the sky is falling" freak show.
Get over yourself, Glenn.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
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