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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How Many Mistresses Did You Have, Mr. Sanford (and How Many Of Them Did You Fuck?)
Confused? So am I. Perhaps this may help:
Witt-Thomas Productions/Disney-ABC/pressmin/YouTube
That didn't help, either, eh? Oh, well...
The fact that this jackal is a conservative who loves to lambaste anyone who identifies themselves as liberal or Democrat, then decides to play the "I'm-fucking-above-the-law" card is one of the reasons why his ass should step down. At least two Democratic governors- James McGreevey of New Jersey and Eliot Spitzer of New York- knew that the public didn't want them in office after their affairs. So it would be best for Sanford to say, "Look, my fellow South Carolinian, I can't do this anymore." Never mind that he's in his second term, and that he's a lame duck governor. Just fucking step down already, Mark. tpmtv (Talking Points Television)/YouTube
And while he's at it, throw in the towel on the marriage. He admits that he'd rather do romantic tangoes with Maria Chapur than with Jennifer, so do the right thing, Markie, and just file for divorce. Give Jenny the house, pay what child support you can, and move your ass to Argentina so you can be with Maria. It's so much better than forcing life into what is already a dead marriage.
So, Jenny, sing this to Mark while he's packing- note this is not the more famous Elvis Presley version of the song you're hearing, but the original, performed by the late Big Mama Thornton: vtkfxtpsxiz/YouTube
(C)2009, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Al Franken Makes Sixty
Franken, a former performer and writer for NBC's "Saturday Night Live", ran for the senate last fall. It was thought that Coleman, former mayor of St. Paul, had won re-election, but Franken fought when an apparent 312 absentee votes were found after election day. Coleman fought to have his win certified.
Click on the title for the ruling from the Minnesota Supreme Court, courtesy of WCCO-TV.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Pitchman Billy Mays Dead
At around 7:45 this morning (Eastern Time, 4:45 AM Pacific), Mays was found dead at his home by his wife. Police do not suspect any break-in or foul play in his death.
So as we mourn the passings of Ed; Farrah; and Michael, let us remember the loudmouth who helped us get our clothes clean.
Blue Moon Studios/ YouTube
Mays was 50.
(C)2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Lisa Marie Presley Blames Herself For Jackson's Passing
And now, on her MySpace blog, she tells of an eerie self prophecy that Jackson made back in 1995- that Jackson would end up like the King of Rock-n-Roll. according to Ms. Presley, it seemed like Michael was at peace with his mortality. She goes on to say that their marriage "was not a sham."
Click on the title for the link for the blog entry.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Jackson Cause of Death Still Unknown
In the meantime, fans continue to hold a vigil at his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and many more celebrity tributes continue to pour in.
Dame Elizabeth Taylor: "My mind...are broken. I loved Michael with all my soul and can't imagine life without him..."
Diana Ross was one of the first performers to discover the quintet from Gary, Indiana. she told ET, via statement, this morning, "I can't stop crying, this is too sudden and shocking. My heart is hurting..." Fellow performer Tina Turner chimed in stating , "I, along with his millions of fans, looked forward to seeing him tour one more time. Now, may he rest in peace."
Surviving Beatle Paul McCartney had two hits with jackson. He mentions on his website,, "He was a massively talented boy man with a gentle soul. His music will br remembered forever and my memories of our time together will be happy ones..."
On a different front, according to Entertainment Tonight, the new movie "Bruno" featured a small scene involving Jackson's older sister LaToya. Out of respect for the family, Universal Pictures decided to remove it, given yesterday's tragic circumstances.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Legacies: Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett
"Legacies: Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett"
What a day this has been. The news of losing "Charlie's Angels" icon Farrah Fawcett was bad enough. But nothing had prepared the world- let alone myself- for the bigger aftershock to come. About five hours after Ms. Fawcett lost her brave battle with cancer, the news of the sudden death of Michael Jackson was like being broad sided by a semi, right after you get slammed by the first vehicle. Many celebrities were friends of both, of course, and no doubt the pain they, and the fans, feel is like being stabbed. A massive heart attack (no pun intended, largely in respect to Mr. Jackson- and largely also to Ms. Fawcett) just knocking us over.
Whatever you think of Jackson- his songs; his large catalog of music, or his eccentricities- there will never be another like him. I worry about what will unfold over the next few days- some fans will no doubt attempt suicide (some even succeeding). Already, I've seen fans holding the LP copies of Jackson's "Thriller" album, and playing "Billie Jean". Somebody said on MSNBC that Jackson was "bigger than Elvis", and I thought the same thing as I saw all the celebrity tributes pour in.
A funny thing...I guess, a bit of a tragic comedy. About a couple hours before the news of his being rushed to the Ronald Reagan-UCLA hospital broke, a couple of friends and myself watched a video on YouTube, in which Michael Jackson- played by an actor- had faced off with the rock group KISS (all four original members). Michael had danced, and KISS had shocked him. Mike then brought out some kids to beat up KISS, but then KISS turned the whole situation around and recruited the kids, who in turn killed Jackson. But Paul Stanley said, "He'll be back." I think it's safe to say that even the KISS Nation joins the world in mourning.
What will be the legacies of Mary Farrah Leni Fawcett and Michael Joseph Jackson? Fawcett as the bombshell in the wet red swimsuit- with her nipples attempting to escape? Or as a brave actress who took on challenging- and sometimes troubling- roles? No doubt, many will remember her as a brave fighter who faced her cancer head on. Perhaps she will be remembered for all three.
Jackson will be a bit more difficult to pin down. To many, he was the singer to scream for, I guess someone to die for. To many others, he was a monster who preyed on children. Yet many others thought that he was weird- he did have his eccentricities (buying the bones of John Merritt, the "Elephant man"; sleeping in a hyberbaric chamber; etc). But nonetheless, Jackson was- and to much of his worldwide audience, will always be- an icon. One of the original "American Idols", if you will. And now the world moonwalks for Michael, and fantasize about the Marilyn Monroe of Generation X, Farrah.
Both will be missed.
I'll continue coverage of the passages throughout the weekend.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
LAPD Investigating Jackson's Death
Also, the spokesperson said that Jackson was taken to UCLA hospital at 1:00 PM PDT, and was pronounced dead at 2:30 PM PDT.
Coverage continues as the world mourns the passing of Michael Jackson.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Two Icons.
Thursday 6/25/2009 4:59:37 PM/ 16:59:37 PDT:
"Two Icons"
(Michael Jackson photo by Drew Cohen, Farrah Fawcett photo by Bruce McBroom, Pro Arts, Inc.)
Just as I was reeling from the news of actress Farrah Fawcett's death, the news that Michael Jackson was rushed to the hospital, and at 3:30 PM, the confirmed news of Michael Jackson's death jolted me. Admittedly, I didn't always like the man- especially through the time that he was accused of molesting young boys- but I still liked the music, and some songs are my favorites, "Dancing Machine"; "ABC", with his brothers in the Jackson Five. I grew up watching the Jackson Five cartoon- in fact, every Saturday morning, I would be so excited just awaiting the next episode to come on.
I had the chance to see Mr. Jackson over 20 years ago. Domino, a radio DJ from Power 99.7 (now Q100, WWWQ-FM ) in Atlanta, Georgia came by the Perimeter Mall (in northern Atlanta, outside the Interstate 285 Perimeter freeway), where I hung out at. All I had to do is say the radio's slogan backward, "Power 99.7 plays the best hits." I lost to the guy next to me, but had I won, I would've saw Michael Jackson at the Omni coliseum.
Just as equally, I am saddened over the passing of Farrah Fawcett. When I was growing up in the 1970s, I practically drooled over the sight of Ms. Fawcett (and probably was hoping that Sasquatch- played by the late wrestler Andre the Giant- would kill her then-husband, Lee Majors. Just call it an "on-the-set accident".
9:45:51 PM/ 21:45:51 PDT: I took a break from the Michael Jackson death story- one that continues to develop even at this late hour- to sell Street Roots on NE 15th and Alberta. I was going to sell at 5:00 PM, but at the time, I was busy learning more on the details of Jackson's death. I had sold four copies tonight, so the night wasn't a total loss, and I'm buying 20 copies of the new issue Friday, and begin selling.
First, Farrah. Now, Michael
The first sign- for me, at least- that things were serious was when the KCBS/KCAL helicopter reporter mentioned that anyone who had suffers cardiac arrest does not survive (or at least the chances of surviving are slim to none). Ronald Reagan-UCLA Medical Center is, according to numerous reports, less than four miles away. That's probably not enough time to get to the hospital in time.
No matter what you think of Jackson, there is no doubt that he will be remember as the mega superstar that makes all the fans swoon. Even through his troubles with mental and legal issues, he was still beloved throughout the world. No doubt this will be bigger than Elvis, with all of the weekend vigils around the world, and probably the conspiracy theories, too. You know, those "Elvis is alive" rumors. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if anybody starts a "Michael is still alive" rumor. Then there will be those who think that Jackson was a monster who took advantage of his fame, just so he can molest children. The nature of the beast when you're a major star. But the courts of law say that he didn't commit the crime of molestation, so now the only person who really knows is God.
Two icons in one day, within hours of each other. I'll be back in a bit as I'll follow the press conference.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Breaking News: Michael Jackson Dead
Again, KCBS/KCAL; KNBC; and the Los Angeles Times have reported that Michael Jackson has died from apparent cardiac arrest.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Michael Jackson Heart Attack Update- Jackson in Grave Condition
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Michael Jackson Heart Attack Update
as I'm now watching the footage, I heard some one mention that the chances of anyone surviving a cardiac arrest- particularly a full cardiac arrest- is close to zero, so this could be a more serious condition.
Over the years, Michael Jackson has been an interesting character. His hits in the 1970s- "ABC"; "Never Can Say Goodbye", and those in the 1980s, "Billie Jean" and "Bad" captivated audiences, and his tours have often mesmerized worldwide audiences. But as vast as his entertainment career has been, he's also had run-ins with the law, with accusations of molestation. He was in court three times.
I'm staying atop of details, as I'm watching live footage from KCBS.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Breaking News: Michael Jackson Taken To Hospital
More details will be revealed as conditions warrant.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Farrah Fawcett Dead at 62
Fawcett first came on the Hollywood scene in the 1960s, guest starring in sitcoms such as "I Dream of Jeannie"; "That Girl"; and "The Partridge Family", and "The Six Million dollar man", where she met future husband Lee Majors. She also appeared on "The Dating Game" as a contestant. Here's a clip from "The Partridge Family":
"The Partridge Family", Sony Pictures Television/ minimaciroc/YouTube
She also made commercials for Ford; and Procter & Gamble among others. Here, she and actress/director Penny Marshall ("Laverne & Shirley") talk about the joys of using P&G's Head and Shoulders shampoo:
But she made it big in two ways in the mid-1970s. First, there was that icon image of her in the one-piece red swimsuit, flashing her pearliest with a come hither look. and second, on September 22, 1976, on ABC, this show premiered:
"Charlie's Angels", Spelling/Goldberg Productions, Sony Pictures Television/ SigleTelefilm/YouTube
Created by Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts, and executive produced by the late Aaron Spelling and Leonard Goldberg, "Charlie's Angels" featured three female former police officers who worked for Townsend Investigations. Their boss, Charlie Townsend was never seen full faced, but instead often heard on a speaker phone, and featuring the voice of actor John Forsythe (who would later be seen full bodied on another Spelling/Goldberg production, "Dynasty"). Critics called the series a "jigglefest", on the account that the actresses' figures- and definitely their cleavages- were very prominently featured (Somewhere, I think some adult film industry types sniffed in the pheromonal scents of "opportunity"...anyway...).Fawcett was on the show for only the first season as investigation Jill Munroe. Of course, thanks to the clingy swimsuit poster (however pretty stained with...ewww!...I am so not going there!). Here's a clip from her time on the show. The episode is "Angels on a String":
Spelling/Goldberg Productions/Sony Pictures Television/raquelsilva17/YouTube
At the time, she was billed as "Farrah Fawcett-Majors", because she was married to Majors at the time. Rumor had it that he wanted Farrah off the set and at home by six so she can fix his dinner. (It has since been confirmed- by Majors himself. I still find myself laughing about this revelation to this day). Fawcett and Majors were married nine years, divorcing in 1982. She would make three guest appearances, reprising her Jill character.
She was considered for the comedy "Foul Play", starring comedian Chevy Chase, before being passed over for Goldie Hawn. She did star in a comedy, "somebody Killed Her Husband", which quickly flopped. Critics said that it pretty much killed her career, but she would make a serious comeback, playing more dramatic roles, such as the 1984 NBC miniseries "The Burning Bed", in which she portrayed a domestic violence victim who later kills her husband. She was nominated for an Emmy for her role. She also played heiress of the Woolworth department store empire Barbara Hutton in "Poor Little Rich Girl" (1987). She won a Cable ACE award in 1989 for her portrayal of Life photographer Margaret Bourke-White in "Double Exposure".
In 1982, she began dating actor Ryan O'Neal, and save for a brief split up, the two have been together for 27 years, and they have a son, Redmond, 24.
In 1997, she was on CBS's "Late Night with David Letterman, supposedly to promote her pictorial in Playboy:
6006oricom/CBS/Worldwide Pants/YouTube
She did not look good in the clip, as she became a butt of jokes after that appearance.
In 2006, Fawcett was diagnosed with anal cancer, and thought she was cured of the disease four months later. However, a malignant polyp was found four months after she thought that she was initally cured. Doctors suggested that she get a colostomy, but Fawcett instead sought alternate forms of treatment, and she went to Germany for such.
In April of this year, she was rushed to hospital after reportedly being found unconscious. By which time, it had been revealed that her cancer had metastasized to her liver. her final TV appearance was last month in the reality special "Farrah's Story", on NBC. The special drew in 9 million viewers on May 15. In the documentary, Farrah is seen shaving off her blond locks as she prepared for chemotherapy.
At 9:28 AM Pacific Time (12:28 PM Eastern), Mary Farrah Leni Fawcett lost her brave fight at Saint John's Hospital in Santa Monica. She is survived by her longtime companion, actor Ryan O'Neal, and their son Redmond. Hollywood and an extensive fan base mourns her loss, as do I. CBS 2 in Los Angeles has continuing coverage of her passing. Just click on the title for the link.
(C)2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Nixon Tapes Released
I'm pro-choice- I'm not going to hide this fact. But when I first heard this excerpt on one of the local stations, KGW NewsChannel 8, I had to do a double spit take. Thankfully, CNN always comes through with what I need to know and hear.
Never mind that I was still in first grade when Roe V. Wade was decided (on January 22, 1973). The comments that if a, say, black woman got pregnant by a white man (or the argument everybody likes to use- "white woman impregnated by a black man"), that's grounds for terminating the pregnancy. But this is exactly the argument Richard Nixon makes. I could easily say that Mr. Nixon was a racist, but I'm not going to say that. I will say, however, that hearing him mention that interracial babies are scum (though he didn't say it in that exact words, he did have me at "interracial") made my blood boil.
Nixon, as we all know, was a paranoid fuck who broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and stole some game plans. Apparently, from what the orders he gave on watching his National Security Adviser (and later Secretary of State) Henry Kissinger, he didn't trust anybody from his own party, either.
And here I was, thinking that Quakers were friendly people. I still believe this- they just forgot to mention the rotten apple in their ranks.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved. Video courtesy of CNN.
So That's Why You Disappeared, Governor
South Carolina governor Mark Sanford had mysteriously disappeared from his office in Columbia, many folks were- understandably- worried. Where could the Governor be? Who would want to hurt our beloved governor? Is he even alive?
It turns out that he was hiking the Appalachian trail, and didn't want to tell (Darren's cell phone rings) excuse me...hello...what's that, Darren?...what? didn't see him hiking on the Appalachian Trail?'s a mighty long trail, you know...and you scaled every mile and inch of it and you didn't see him...really? saw him in Argentina?...WITH ANOTHER WOMAN?!! DUDE, YOU'RE SHITTING ME!...Come on, Darren, stop it. Governor Sanford's a very good governor. He's a Republican, for god's sake! A God-fearing, faithful...what do you mean he's not faithful?...a tango with a female family friend? come on, D. A nice republican guy like mark Sanford would never cheat on his wife. come on...okay, glad you called. Bye...(Darren hangs up). I've just got off the phone with mt doppleganger and he's just told me that the Republican governor of South Carolina wasn't hiking on the Appalachian trail, but instead somewhere in Buenos Aires, or whatever, doing the genital tango. Well, well, well, isn't that something?
WIS-TV 10 in Columbia reports that Sanford says this affair began with a "casual e-mail", and basically it just snowballed from there. Of course, he used the same bullshit line politicians- no matter the political party- use "I've been unfaithful to my wife...yada, yada, yada!" What's even more juicier here is that his Lieutenant Governor, Andrew Bauer, tried to find out where Sanford was during the period Sanford was missing. It appears that Sanford spent five days crying- likely in the arms of his Argentine lover. Oh, I could hear the sobs now..."Mi amor. Mi amor. Dejarme tomar el sol en bosque de tus pelos vaginales."* In which said Argentine amor cried, "Cogerme, cogerme dificilmente, papa!" ^(sorry, I couldn't get the upside down exclamation point, or the tilde. My software won't allow this, but you get the point...).
This is the latest example of the continuous downward spiral of the Republican Party. It seems to me that they break one of the same Ten Commandments that they accuse Democrats of breaking- thou shalt not fucking commit adultery! But then again, I guess God doesn't mind a bit of adultery here and there...who knows? But at any rate, every time I hear a Republican or conservative say that Democrats and/or liberals are the scum of the earth that hate God, guns, and country, I have to laugh. This comes to show that these fuck wads- these uptight, stuffy, snobby, selfish fucks!- are no better than the rest of us. In some cases, some of them are even worse! yes, I know, there are some Democrats who have strayed- just ask Eliot Spitzer; John Edwards, and even the man born William Jefferson Blythe IV- but that doesn't change the fact that these Good Ol' Punk Ass types are so goddamned hypocritical, it's ridiculous. It's so wonder I'm not punching out my laptop display right now in frustration (I am clenching my fists, however. But I'm also laughing...) So, as I close out this entry, this song, "Alibis" performed by Sergio Mendes (vocals performed by Joe Pizzulo) is dedicated to Mark Sanford, the distinguished governor of the great state of South Carolina.
"Solid Gold", CBS Paramount Television/Courtesy busson9/YouTube
Click on the title for the full report from WIS News 10, or click on the CNN widget above.
*My love, my love. Let me bask in the forest of your vaginal hairs. ^Fuck me, Fuck hard, daddy!
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ed McMahon Dies at 86
McMahon died at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center this morning. McMahon had been at the hospital's intensive care unit for several weeks, and has been ill for quite some time. For 30 years, he has been at Carson's side. Here are some of the high- and low- lights of his career:
Sirraymondbell/NBC/Carson Productions/YouTube
Before "American Idol", there was "Star Search", which premiered in 1983:"Television Program Enterprises/CBS/YouTube
McMahon hosted the show from its 1983 premiere until 1995.
He's been an announcer, and product pitchman for several products, including American Family Sweepstakes:
Your Video Channel/YouTube
But he'll forever be remembered as the sidekick as Johnny Carson. Here is a 1976 clip featuring the late Paul Lynde:
laughvids/NBC/Carson Productions/YouTube
Johnny Carson's final night on "The Tonight Show" will always be memorable. In this clip, Johnny, Doc, and Ed are together for the last time:
coffeehigh420/NBC/Carson Productions/YouTube
Carson died in January 2005 at 79. And now heaven has one more sidekick.
McMahon was 86.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights reserved.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Oregon Attorney General: No Criminal Charges Against Adams

For the past six months, we here in Portland, Oregon have been riveted by the drama of our current mayor, Sam Adams. Back in January- ands on the day that our new president was parading through the streets of Washington, District of Columbia enjoying his inauguration- Adams confessed that he lied about the relationship he had with a young intern, Beau Breedlove. when they met in March 2005, Adams was a Portland city commissioner, and Breedlove was the intern of Republican state representative Kimberly Thatcher, of Keizer (ironically, Ms. Thatcher is likely endorse gay bashing...if you catch my drift. So wonder boy-toy Beau is still breathing and walking today...). So, the new attorney general, John Kroger- who had battled mob figures and Enron- opened up an investigation into whether Adams had inappropriate relations with Breedlove, in violation of Oregon Revised Statutes 163.415, the crime of engaging in inter alia, or sexual contact with a person under 18 in the third degree, a Class C misdemeanor; ORS 163.435, the crime of contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor, a Class A misdemeanor; and ORS 163.445 (1), sexual misconduct with a person under 18, a Class C misdemeanor.
According to the report from KGW NewsChannel 8, the AG's report found that there is no evidence of underage sex with Breedlove; no criminal misconduct on Adams' part; and no evidence of "theft by deception". The report goes on to say that Breedlove "was not a credible witness".
The effort to recall mayor Adams goes on, according to Jasun Wuerster, head of the website Recall Sam Adams ( ), will go forward beginning July 7. The group needs 50,000 or more signatures in 90 days, and according to Wuerster- as told to NewsRadio 750 KXL and national syndicated host Lars Larson- the group faces a "partisan" group in the form of Secretary of State Kate Brown. But the history of recall efforts against past mayors favor Adams- not one recall vote had succeeded here in Portland. Now, I voted for Sam- hey, I felt that it was nice to bring history here in the Rose City- he became the first openly gay mayor of a major US city. However, when he confessed that he had "inappropriate relations" with Beau Breedlove on inauguration day, at first, I just shrugged it off. But the next day, as I learned more, i wrote a letter to the mayor chastising him for his relationship. After all, I- like many Portlanders- was crushed.
This report says that there has been insufficient evidence to criminally charge Adams with any wrongdoing. As for myself voting for his recall or not, the jury's still out.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Walter Cronkite Reportedly "Gravely Ill"
Walter Cronkite, the legendary CBS News anchor and reporter, is reportedly "gravely ill", according to the website TV Newser. Cronkite has been ill for some time, and some reports say that CBS is preparing an obituary for the 92 year old broadcasting legend. Long nicknamed "The Most Trusted Man in America", Cronkite anchored the CBS Evening News from 1962 until his retirement in 1981 (some accounts say that his retirement was forced).
I watched some clips on YouTube today on his reporting of the John F. Kennedy assassination 46 years ago, and on the landing on the moon- in which the 40th anniversary of that milestone is next month. for the many who've watched "Uncle Walter" over the years, the clips bring back memories of how professional- and when confirming the death of JFK, human- he was. The fact that CBS itself isn't reporting on Mr. Cronkite's condition, to me that doesn't look like a good sign. Nonetheless, we'll know more as details come forward.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Senator Ensign Admits Affair
I just fucking love it when the Republican Party claims to be the political party that loves its three G's- Guns, Guts, and the Almighty Jehovah God (don't you dare call said Deity "Allah". That's just un-American...). They also claim to be the party in which marriages stay strong and no one has affairs.
Yeah, right!
U.S. Senator John Ensign, R-Nevada, was considering a run for president in 2012. During the scandal involving President Bill Clinton and Lewis and Clark grad (and White House intern) Monica Lewinsky, Ensign suggested that Clinton resign. Of course, the "zipper gate" affair only strengthened the Clinton marriage, and made Clinton an even more popular president. Having said this, I think that it's a bit hypocritical for Ensign to say that he's for family values when this asshole himself broke the one thing that should have mattered to him the most: his marriage.
Today in Las Vegas, Ensign acknowledged the extramarital affair of his best friend's wife. Can anybody say "Keep your friends close, but keep an eye on your best friend"? It appears that the friend's wife and Ensign did the nasty as they worked on Ensign's latest senatorial campaign. Now Ensign has become the latest laughingstock of the GOP, and his wife Darlene is keeping the frying pan; cat-o-nines; and machete close- just in case he wants to stray again.
"...I have deeply hurt and disappointed...Darlene, my children, my family, my friends..." Obviously the couple in question. "and my staff and all those who believed in me," he lied. And just thing, this fuck could've been president in 2012. Now, he's the latest example of a Republican party that seems to be coming apart at the seams. Gee, thanks a lot, John!
How long will it be before we see Darlene and John Ensign on "Divorce Court"? But given the fact that they live in Nevada, a short hop and skip to Reno will keep any proceedings quite short.
(C) 2009, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lakers Win...Fans Go Wild- TOO WILD!
The Los Angeles Lakers won their 15th NBA championship last night in Orlando, as they beat out the Orlando Magic, four games to one. The Lakers won game five of the NBA Finals 99-86.
First off, my congrats to the Lakers. Even though I was pulling for the Magic, the Lakers had shown that they were hungry after the humiliating loss to Boston last year. As for the fans, however, I can't say the same for them, as they looted businesses and rioted in the streets and even destroyed a bus.
And Phil Jackson called the Portland Trail Blazers a "bunch of jackals" a few years back? Hmm...anyway, the majority of Laker fans are probably sane and reasonable people. Unfortunately, there are a few idiots out there that do their best to ruin the celebration for everybody. I saw in the report on the CBS 2 website that the police union want the Lakers to pay for the damage these rioters cause, citing the economic issues. I say find the perpetrators and make them pay instead. The Lakers have nothing to do with the riots, so you guys in the LA police union, knock off that nonesense talk about suing the Lakers organization over actions they didn't themselves cause.
Click on the title for the story from CBS 2 Los Angeles.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Snow Leopard Features
Snow Leopard, which will be out in September, will make the current Mac OS X Leopard better, according to Apple. When it was first announced last year, CEO Steve Jobs said that it would give the storage and memory space back to the user. According to the Apple website, Snow Leopard will take up less than half the disk space of Leopard, which means that users can put in more photos, songs, even videos. Apple also claims a 45% faster installation; and checks for compatibility.
In the Dock area, the Stacks folder as been moved there, and the Dock itself is less annoying. The Grand Central Dispatch feature will take advantage of the processor's cores; while the 64-bit computing will speed up tasks, while staying compatible with 32-bit applications. Open CL technology utilizes graphic computing in a whole new way. Quick Time X will come with a new version of Quick Time Player. And the Exchange support feature has built-in support for Microsoft Exchange Server.
You can learn more about Snow Leopard on the Apple website. I've provided a link, which you can get to by clicking on the title.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
About Time, Apple!
Today, on the first day of Apple's annual Worldwide Developers conference, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, Apple vice president of worldwide product marketing Phil Schiller unveiled the newest generations of the MacBook and MacBook Pro laptop computers. The new 15" models havew Intel Core 2 Duo processors that go from 2.53 GHz to 3.06 GHz, while the 17" gets a 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor standard, with a 500 GB hard drive. and if that's not enough, there is now a 13" MacBook Pro- yes, the 13" now gets a "pro" label attached to the name "MacBook". That gets a FireWire 800 port, back lit keyboard, and starts at $1199- a price drop!
And that's the key words that I've been waiting to see and hear: PRICE DROP!
The new MacBook Pro 15" models start at $1699- down from $1999. The top of the line 15" model loses $200, from $2499 to $2299. The 17" price drops from $2799 to $2499.
Somebody at Apple obviously has been reading this blog.
All the models take up to 8 GB RAM, have FireWire 800; and sports a Secure Digital slot. They begin shipping today.
I'll be back this afternoon or this evening to talk about Mac OS X, 10.6, Snow Leopard, and the iPhone 3.0, which will be out June 17. Stay calm, people.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
LA Detective Arrested in 23-Year-Old Murder Case
On February 24, 1986, Sherrie Rae Rassmussen, 29, a nursing director, came to her Van Nuys, California home after a day at the gym. She encountered an invader as she went in the door. That invader beat and shot Ms. Rassmussen to death. Her husband, John Ruetten found her body when he came home from work that evening. Two nights later, another woman was robbed, and police thought that the two suspects in that case had killed Sherrie Rassmussen. Her parents offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of her killers.
Now 23 years later, Los Angeles Police have an arrest- only the suspect turns out to one of their own.
Stephanie Lazarus was just coming into work Friday. As a highly decorated detective in the art detail division, she had solved cases involving art forgeries and thefts from museums and galleries, but now police say that she also had a romantic involvement with John Ruetten. Ruetten and Lazarus dated for a lengthy period of time. But then Ruetten met Stephanie Rassmussen, and broke off the relationship with Lazarus. Some time later, Rassmussen and Ruetten married.
Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned. And apparently, Lazarus- who was two years into a career with the LAPD- did not take the end of a white hot love affair very well. So she allegedly killed the bitch who tore them apart. Now Detective Lazarus is held for this murder. DNA evidence linked her to a coffee cup the killer used on the day of the killing.
The widower, John Ruetten is apparently not a suspect at this time.
Click on the title for the KCBS/CBS 2 coverage. You can also read the details at:,0,2400854.story .
(C) 2009, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, June 05, 2009
David Carradine's Death- It Definitely Wasn't Suicide
The above is a clip from last night's "Larry King Live", and I must still stand by my story that actor David Carradine did not commit suicide. As for him being murdered...perhaps. Or his death was accidental- I'm willing to accept that. But there is no way I will accept that Mr. Carradine killed himself. Not when he was in the midst of a comeback- he had three films to make ("Stretch" being one of them), plus his marriage was going strong...and from what I've watched, the man was full of life.
The truth will eventually come out. Until then, Godspeed, Grasshopper.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Sorry To Disagree, But David Was Murdered
I'm sorry, but when I read the news of David Carradine's death this morning, the first thought that came to my mind was "murder".
As in the man was murdered.
Many reports say that he was found hanging by the neck, which would indicate suicide. But as I looked at later reports that he had a rope around his genitals, it fueled my suspicions that the 72-year-old actor, who was in Bangkok to film "Stretch" didn't off himself. Sure, the man had his demons, but he didn't come across as suicidal to me.
Besides, how many people would tie a rope on their nutsacks while attempting to off themselves?
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander
All Rights Reserved.
Rape Fantasy Gone Awry
Some people have fantasies that many others call a bit sick and perverted. many husbands, understandably, would not allow their wives to be raped- let alone fucked- by another man. Other men, however, do allow their wives to sleep with other men (and yes, in fairness, some wives like to see their husbands banging another woman- or even another you can see, this varies case by case...). But this man did not tell his wife that he had a fantasy that many would cringe at. And he used the tool that itself says that it's doing its best to avoid criminal propositions- Craigslist.
As almost everyone knows by now, a 25-year-old man from the Charlotte suburb of Kannapolis arranged for his wife to be raped by another man- all while he watched. The man has been charged with first-degree rape, and is jailed on a $200,000 bond (click on the title for the latest story from WCNC NewsChannel 36). Investigators are looking for the hired perpetrator as they look through computer records.
If the man wanted to watch his wife get banged by another man, why in the hell couldn't he just tell her? If she disagreed, he'd have to respect that. One question I must ask: what if the wife decided to hire a dominatrix- or even better, another person- no matter the sexual orientation- to sexually assault the husband? I know I'm walking a tightrope when I say this, but the point I seek to make is that the husband should have communicated with the wife instead of having this atrocious act committed to her. Now the man faces both criminal court- and likely divorce court as well.
Perhaps he'll find out what the wife went through while he sits in jail.
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander.
All Rights Reserved.
You're the Mysognist Bitch, Liz!
Elizabeth Hasslebeck, the conservative voice of the ABC morning Gabfest "The View" is a fucking sketch! On her show recently, she mentioned that the Playboy website has changed into a "hate site". This stems from an article "So Right It's Wrong", in which the writer states some allegedly- and I say "allegedly" because I haven't seen the article, and Playboy has taken this down (which makes this author wonder if the people at Playboy had turned into a bunch of pussies for even paying attention to this wench...). Hasslebeck said that it describes "hateful and misogynistic" conquests over women- specifically conservative ones. Watch this clip from ABC by going to the sister blog "The Trash Bash"p> ( )Which makes me wonder if she would react the same way if he said these allegedly "hateful and misogynistic" statements toward liberal females. I doubt it, for she loathes anything that even resembles liberalism. Point is, Liz is a fucking crybaby who revels in getting attention on herself. She doesn't like the article. SO FUCKING WHAT, LIZ! She has no right to tell Playboy what to do with their website or business, and vice versa. And from what I'm reading into this, I think the writer was just doing a parody, or using satire. Playboy has always been for the rights of women, among other things, and if Liz Hasslebeck doesn't like it, then why in the bloody fucking hell did she even look at it in the first place.
And why does she even bother the National Organization of Women, another organization she utterly loathes? If NOW would've beaten her to the punch about said article, perhaps I might have taken this more seriously (though I doubt if they would've pressured Playboy to remove the article...).
Fuck you, Elizabeth Hasslebeck!
Produced in association with "The Trash Bash"
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
David Carradine's Death...and Goodbye, Koko
Say that I'm in denial here, but there is no way in fucking hell do I believe that "Kung Fu" icon David Carradine had committed suicide. Yes, the man had his problems with alcohol and narcotics in the past, but he seemingly won the battles. At any rate, Carradine was found in his hotel room, apparently hanging in his closet. I guess those demons might have made a return in some other form.
Carradine was part of an acting dynasty that began with his father John- I remember watching John most recently in a flick called "Billy the Kid Vs. Dracula". What a piece of work that is- and continued with younger brother Keith. But he will always be remembered for this iconic early 1970s series:
Warner Bros./brunopalma/YouTube
Carradine recently made a return in the two-part film series, "Kill Bill", in which he played a crime boss. Uma Thurman played one of his former charges who's out to get him.
Dimension Films/elmike1/YouTube
Carradine was 72.
Goodbye, Koko: Blues queen Koko Taylor died after surgery Wednesday night. One of her signature songs was 1967's "Wang Dang Doodle".
-family:Palatino Linotype;">She was discovered by fellow blues icon Willie Dixon when she moved to Chicago from Tennessee. She recorded on the Chicago-based Chess label, then on the Alligator label (also based in Chicago).
Taylor was 80.
Produced in association with The Trash Bash
(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.