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    Friday, April 03, 2009

    The Family That Shoplifts Together Go On "Dr. Phil"

    Admittedly, the economy is in the shitter, but that doesn't keep us from wanting nice items. Some even go to extremes to get those items.

    Take Laura and Matthew Eaton, of northern San Diego County, for example. They made over $100,000 by shoplifting, and they've did it for six years. $600,000 total. Now, although I don't condone shoplifting, I won't knock them for even having the conjones to even be brave about this- after all, if it works for you, keep it up. And I'll even give them major conjones points for appearing on "Dr. Phil", and reveal themselves on national TV last November.

    But I do have one bone to pick with them- that they even shown their faces on "Dr. Phil" in the first place. Now, a San Diego county sheriff's detective is investigating them, as are federal investigators. Last week, toys, a car (a car?!!!) and other items were seized by agents.

    "How do you do all of this and not get caught?," Detective Dave Hillen of the San Diego County Sherriff's Office asked.

    Easy, deputy. until they played blabbermouth on "Dr. Phil", they were just that good. Sneaky and cunning. And apparently brave enough to risk facing years behind bars.

    The full story on this Eatons' five-finger discount shoping can be found by clicking on the title.

    Copyright (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander
    All Rights Reserved.

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