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    Friday, November 21, 2008

    Amsterdam To Close Marijuana Shops

    Looking to light up in Amsterdam? better enjoy it while it lasts, especially if you're in one of the cafes that is near a school.

    Probably taking a page from the U.S., Amsterdam's liberal life will soon become a bit less liberal, as the Amsterdam city council decides to close about a fifth of the city's marijuana-selling coffee houses, on the account that those locations are too close to schools. By 2011, 43 must close.

    Now as we all know, Amsterdam has a relaxed attitude about drugs, and many tourists come to Amsterdam just to enjoy a joint or two, while drinking a latte (probably from Starbucks...who probably sells some of that ganja in their Netherlands locations. I knew there was something in that latte, but couldn't put my finger on it. But man, do I feel good). But while the smoking of weed is still tolerated in Holland, lawmakers want to discourage it. They call for better rules on the sale and trade of cannabis, and the so-called "back door" business- probably more illicit and black market selling and distribution- is banned.

    Still, I get the feeling that- until, at least the end of the Bush dictatorship here in the U.S.- Holland may continue to clamp down on the rights of those who want to have a little weed with their morning joe.

    Click on the title for the story from Reuters.

    (C) 2008 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved

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