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    Thursday, April 10, 2008

    Is The House of the FLDS Crumbling?

    I knew that the members of the Fundamental Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ were nut jobs- after all, the older males marry girls as young as...I don't know, nine, perhaps, and they have this misogynist streak. But, I never really knew that these fuckos were racists- yes, I saw pictures of lily white faces and women dressed as if they were living in the days of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie series. That is, not until last night.

    Black people are really white sinners cursed by that permanent tan? To their credit, the Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ- aka Mormons- did see the light and told the FLDS where to go. But the fact that these racist and woman-beating types even exist makes me wonder, would I feel safer around Scientologists?


    The raid on the El Dorado, Texas compound Tuesday may have saved over 400 children and women, but the tragic thing is that just about all of them have been so brainwashed, it'll probably be years before they realize and appreciate what Texas authorities- and most importantly, the young 16-year-old woman who called (and who remains missing, as is the 50 year old man she accused)- bit. Sadly, however, there are many more Fundamental Latter Day Saints compounds in other areas of the country.

    All I can say is that the FLDS is a pedophiles dream religion.

    Copyright (C)2008 by Darren W. Alexander/The DWA Organisation Ink. All Rights Reserved.

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