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    Tuesday, September 18, 2007

    Senator Sues God

    In Lincoln, Nebraska- the state capital- a state senator is suing the Almighty- who goes by the names God; Higher Power; Jehovah; Yahweh; Allah; Buddah; or even Satan- for acts such as making terroristic threats; causing inter Alia (among other things) disasters such as tornadoes; hurricanes; earthquakes; etc.

    The point Ernie Chambers, 70, Democrat representative for the 11th District of Nebraska is trying to make, allegedly, is to prove that anyone can sue God.

    So, if I want to, I can sue the Almighty on grounds that he/she has denied work for me and kept me from making billions of dollars, right?

    Or I can sue my Jehovah's Witness mother for that. She's the one who bitched when I awed over Sly Stallone's house (when Oprah interviewed Sly on one of her show's episode).

    Just a couple of thoughts, folks.

    You can go directly to the PDF copy of this suit by click here:

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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