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    Thursday, August 02, 2007

    Crisis of Conscience- Questions that Perplex Me

    I have recently read a book called Crisis of Conscience, by Raymond Franz. He is a former member of the Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society's Governing Body, the ruling body of the Jehovah's Witnesses faith.

    The things I've read in the book about his trials and tribulations as he faced tribunals from (then) fellow Governing Body members, and the Gadsden, Alabama congregation were troubling. Troubling because, in the past, I've found myself partially defending the Witnesses, even during the 'Silent Lambs' debacle (such that still exists to this day). This debacle is like the more major one that the Roman Catholics faced earlier this decade (2001-02), but what's more troubling is that some of the alleged molesters are still in congregations of JWs even to this day. I know you should forgive, but who separates the perpetrators from the victims? This is another discussion for another day.

    But going back to the book, the excommunication- or disfellowshipping of Mr. Franz over some action that was nothing more than petty. It wasn't even that. Mr. Franz was in the company of a friend- and employer- Peter Gregerson, who ran a grocery chain in Alabama. Now this was before an issue of the faith's Bible journal
    The Watchtower (Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom) was released. The edition in question was the September 15, 1981 issue. In that issue, the Governing Body decided to bring back a pre-1974 policy on dealing with 'publishers', as the Witnesses call their members, who were disfellowshipped and disassociated. From 1974 to 1981, the JWs took a moderate stand, whereas a person could be disassociated from the congregation if such person decided to take up military service or run for public elective office. Or if the person disassociated himself voluntarily, they could still fellowship among the congregation. As for the disfellowshipped, if such person was a family member of active Witnesses, such family members could still communicate with that person, but not the rest of the congregation. This more restrictive policy that the Governing Body decided to bring back treated disassociated persons- be it those, like Peter Gregerson, who disassociated themselves voluntarily, or involuntarily, again if said publisher decided to pursue military service or elective office- the same way as disfellowshipped persons. To be shunned from congregation, and even family members and longtime friends. No doubt, friendships have been lost, and families have been torn apart over such actions.

    Raymond Franz was disfellowshipped over being with Peter Gregerson, even though this action that caused Franz's expulsion happened prior to the release of the September 15, 1981 Watchtower.

    Why did the Governing Body see fit to, in this author's opinion, spy on Mr. Franz? No doubt in my mind, it had to have been Mr. Franz's communication with his friend and employer, Mr. Gregerson, that caused them- the Governing Body- to bring back what is basically a totalitarian policy. Why did the Governing Body accuse Mr. Franz- and 1500 others- of apostasy against the Society, when evidence of such was nonexistent? The source of the trouble- a female publisher of a New York congregation- later recanted her story.

    Why did Wesley Benner, the Circuit Overseer at the time, go in such a frenzied rush to disafellowship Ray Franz, without allowing fellow Witnesses who knew Mr. Franz intimately, to defend himself? Why did Benner want to use an ex-in-law of Peter Gregerson on the Appeal Committee, that ex-in-law likely still having feeling of animosity toward Peter Gregerson? Why did Peter's youngest brother Dan decide to use this meeting at a restaurant, in which he himself was present, against Ray Franz?

    I suggest that you read the book (you can get it at your bookstore, or via or any bookseller). You'll no doubt find things very interesting.

    If you're a Jehovah's Witness, or are considering becoming one, I know that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is strongly advising against reading this book. But unless you know the truth of what happened to Mr. Franz, and the inner workings of the Governing Body from someone who was once a member, you may never know what you may have gotten yourselves into.

    You read, and decide.

    Copyright 2007, by Darren W. Alexander
    All Rights Reserved.

    1 comment:

    ablebodiedman said...

    When you Catch Sight of the Disgusting Thing!