"I do not believe that the United States is well served to say that says that it is OK to be immoral in any way...
I believe that homosexual acts... is immoral...we should not condone immoral acts..."
Those were the words of Marine General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoken yesterday. He supports the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy put into effect 13 years ago by President Bill Clinton and the Pentagon. He said this in response to the Democrat-controlled Congress' proposal to reverse the military ban on gays (lesbians; bisexuals; transgendered, and sexually questioning included) serving openly.
In an article in today's Army Times, Pace said that he regretted putting his personal views into the mix, but stopped short of apologizing for his remarks.
(see the article at http://www.armytimes.com/news/2007/03/TNSuppacegay070313/ ).
Now, could you say that General Pace is homophobic? Probably. But should gays, lesbians, transgenders and bisexuals be able to serve openly? Absolutely (though, as a straight guy, that'll mean that I won't have any more excuses not to serve...but if I have to wear the uniform for my country, so be it. Just be prepared for massacres of al-Qaida hideouts, and the mummified head of Osama bin Laden atop the United States Capitol...). After all, Israel; Britain, and even Canada allow their gay and lesbian troops to serve openly, and so far, I've heard no reports of gay-bashings in their ranks (either that, or I haven't paid much attention to anything military-related outside the most homophobic military in the world- the good ol' U.S. of A.).
The argument against serving while openly gay is that it'll demoralize the troops. That it's just not right. Not moral. Sure, you can be a fag or a dyke in combat boots, just don't flaunt or swish that backside of yours, lest you be handed to the insurgents and/or al-Qaida (of course, if your comrades do that, and it turns out that al-Qaida, the Taliban, and/or the insurgents are gay-friendly, then our military will have a real problem on their hands. In other words, the pink triangle branch of the above three fighting our troops. Talk about demoralizing).
General Pace's comment, you may say, are nothing short of ignorant. As expected, the supporters for allowing gays to serve cry foul over the remarks, which is why I believe that the LGBT community must continue the fight.
Of course, if you are found out, or should you dare say that you're one of those 'freaks' (as my mother calls the LGBT community), go ahead and take the discharge. After all, why die for a country that barely wants you to exist in the first place.
Copyright 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
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