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    Wednesday, December 20, 2006

    Note to Rosie O'Donnell: Open Up a Can of SHUT THE HELL UP!

    First, Roseann O'Donnell- you know, the bloated bitch we know as 'Rosie O'Donnell'- makes fun of Chinese people on ABC's The View. Making a lot of Chinese folks very happy, no doubt that she's followed Seinfeld alum Michael Richards' lead.

    But now, Kelli's (soon-to-be-ex...that is if Kelli comes to her senses) spouse may have really outdone herself.

    For the last 2 weeks, the drama on Mount Hood (fifty miles east from where I write this entry) has the country holding its' breath for the remaining two hikers- Brian Hall, 37; and Jerry Cooke, 36. And mourning over the recent loss of the third, Kelly James, 48. James' bosy was found Sunday in a snow cave. (At press time, the search has turned into a recovery effort).

    The Queen of Not-So-Nice said on The View that money- around $2.5 Million thus far- shouldn't be spent on finding the hikers.

    Well, Rosie, let's see you climb Mt. Hood- or let Kelli climb Mt. Hood (or any other mountain) and get lost and see how you feel. Will all of those millions you enjoy save your fat, ignorant, and barely pea-sized brained ass if you were to get caught in an avalanche or severe snowstorm? You're freezing your wart-infested* pussy off, and cannot be found for days, perhaps weeks. Let's see how you handle that, Ms. Queen of Bitchville! Bet you change your mind when the shoe's on the other foot.

    *as for as we all know, Ms. O'Donnell doesn't have genital warts. Just a tounge in cheek comment. Don't go a-bitchin', folks.

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