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    Friday, June 16, 2006

    Awarded for Bad Judgment

    Today, two African-Americans in position of leadership learned of their fates.

    Here in Moscow on the Willamette- otherwise know as Portland, Oregon- Portland Police Bureau chief Derrick Foxworth got demoted from chief back to the rank of captain.

    And in Washington, DC, US Representative Cynthia McKinney got off scot free for slapping a US Capitol Police officer in march. A grand jury declined to indict her on charges of assaulting a police officer. See the full story at .

    Now, as many of you know, I'm African-American. And as such, you would think that I would sympathize with these two. After all, they're black like me.

    Sorry to disappoint you. I'm not even going there with that 'race card' shit.

    First, in the case of Foxworth, as you know by now, he faced charges of sexual harassment from a civilian desk clerk, Angela Oswalt. Both Oswalt and Foxworth acknowledged that they had a sexual relationship- even as the latter was married. An investigation found that Foxworth did not create a hostile work environment, etc, but it did find that Foxworth used poor judgment when he told Oswalt about some confidential police bureau business. The mayor of Portland, Tom Potter (I don't know why I even voted for him, to be honest...) decided that Foxworth should be demoted back to the rank of captain, hence keeping Foxworth in a position of command.

    Look, apparently Foxworth abused his position- bad judgment, my ass! Oswalt hurt her case by not revealing any more e-mails that could have brought Foxworth down. He could've been terminated, or forced to resign his duties not only as chief of police, but also as a Portland Police officer as well. As Foxworth was collecting his checks for three to four months of work he didn't do, Potter could have said, "look, we've found many acts of conduct unbecoming a police officer- let along police commander (which Foxworth was before he became chief). Instead, Potter basically gave Foxworth a slap on the wrist with a scalding hot wet noodle- almost not unlike what my mother would do to my oldest sister Renee when she acted up (except she didn't use a hot wet noodle). Mom would slap Renee lightly on the hand and say, "no-no, Nee-nee" (Renee would repeat those light slaps on herself...cute at the time...Only substitute "Foxworth" for "Nee-nee"...). Foxworth remains a police officer in position of power, even as his reputation has been tarnished. (For the full investigation report, just click here to ).

    Now on to one of everybody's favorite race baiting figures, the US House Representative, the Dishonorable Ms. Cynthia McKinney(D-Georgia). Now, no doubt, she's no stranger to controversy. In fact, I almost have to say that she invites it by just walking in the room. Back in March- coincidentally around the time the Foxworth sexual harassment story broke- Rep. McKinney ran past a security post at the US Capitol. A US Capitol police officer instructed her to stop- three times. The officer restrained her. She gave him one across the kisser. Next thing you know, "he called me a 'nigger'(okay, so she didn't actually say this, but you have to consider who I'm talking about here...)...It's hard to be a black woman in power...yada, yada, ack! ack!..."

    Today, the DC Grand jury decided not to indict Rep. McKinney for doing the equivalent of what Zsa Zsa Gabor did to a Beverly Hills cop about 20 years ago. Shows what money and power can do (for the record, Zsa Zsa did spend a short time in the pokie...No doubt with fountain spa, and chocolate covered strawberries, and that stupid little mutt in her stars!).

    What this amounts to in both cases is being awarded for just fucking up. Foxworth still holds a position of power, even as he's no longer police chief. McKinney keeping her freedom (and probably her House of Representatives seat- unless Georgia voters wisely give her a thank you note when she's up for re-election). I hate to make comparisons, but these actions are almost just as bad as letting Michael Jackson- a whack job if I ever saw one- off for being a goddamned pedophile.

    When you're in positions of power- be it the President of the United States; chief/superintendent of a police department; or at any given occupational workplace, even if you're the fucking Almighty, you're held to a higher standard, and if you can't- or outright refuse to- act responsibly in that position, if you outright abuse that power, then it must be taken away from you. You're held accountable for whatever actions you make. If you prove untrustworthy, dishonest, etc., then I suggest that you'd step aside and let someone who has values, morals, and common sense take over.

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