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Monday, June 13, 2005
How Can 12 Jurors be SO DUMB?
Glanni/YouTube/KCOY-TV, Santa Maria, California
When they said that the Michael Jackson trial would be so emotional, they weren't kidding. Today's verdict has absolutely got me so livid! My blood is bouiiling over this travesty of justice. With all of the evidence tight in front of therm- the 'Jesus Juice' the boy's description of how Jacko moonwalked his hands under the boy's pants...all of this- oh, don't forget Michael's incriminating words on the 2003 special "Living With Michael Jackson". You know, "Sleeping with a child is the most loving thing an adult can do." Might be okay if you're a parent comforting a child from scary monsters (Michael obviously being one of them), but not if you're some strange freak out of some lagoon.
Come on, people. You had everything in front of you. And you dropped the ball! I could blame Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon, but I can't do that. He didn't have it in for Jacko, believe it or no. So now, I have to hold 12 pairs of feet to the fire. Were you folks that duped by this man's charms? Were you spooked by the faces and seemingly evil looks by the boy's mother? Did her seemingly evil stares that scary that you twelve lost your sense of marbles? Come on, what convinced you dozen of jackasses to let Jacko the pedophile walk and possibly molest another young boy? Can you tell me? Or are you twelve too brainwashed to tell me?
And you, the mother. You slimy no-good stench of a cunt with genital warts! If you would have kept your stares and expressions to yourself, the outcome would have been much different. Perhaps that explais why the jury took seven forevers and a day to deliberate. It's your ugly face that scared them into acquitting this...child molester! Sure, you were trying to convince them to hang Michael with those stares, but you hurt the cause instead of help it. And one more thing: you still must explain why you are so goddamned desperate for money that you have to bamboozle everyone- including the unregistered sex offender, Michael Joe Jackson. I don't get it.
Tonight, while millions of supporters are celebrating and moonwalking over Jacko's acquittal, the rest of us are gnashing and pondering why the justice system has failed in this case? Sure, the fact that Michael has money- probably borrowed from China- may have played a part. And perhaps his celebrity may have also played a part. Celebrity or no, if a person is guilty of a crime, then hang him/her! Don't let them loose!
Michael Jackson may have gotten away scot free this time. But ask yourself this: when the shit happens again- and you can be damn sure that it will. Believe it!- what will you, specifically the supporters of Wacko Jacko?, say then? By acquitting Jackson, they, the jury, may have given him the license to molest again. If that's not an example of injustice, then I don't know what is.
Meanwhile, I'll be looking for a trusted marijuana dealer, and head to Plaid Pantry (a convenience store chain here in the Pacific Northwest), and also head to the liquor store. After all, I have a promise to keep.
Copyright 2005, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
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