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    Friday, April 15, 2011

    Okay, Bear with Me Here

    I have a confession to make. Actually, two.

    One, my crazy laptop keyboards are in act up mode again (what else is new? It'll be fixed in post).
    And two, I haven't really blogged here in awhile.

    Blame those demonic creations we call Facebook and Twitter, which allows me- and millions of others- to speak our minds in short order- with the emphasis on the word short.

    I took a look at one of my entries today, and read a comment. The person, who chose to stay anonymous (nothing wrong with that...), said that I was getting better. That means a lot me, and I want to thank this person for the compliment.

    In short order, I'll be back blogging here on a regular basis, though it may take a bit longer, as I'll also be doing research for the entries (something, I'll admit, I haven't always done. Just speak my mind, which I'll continue to do. Yes, research is a pain in the arse, but it is a necessary evil...).

    So, if you don't hear from me in awhile here, don't worry (you can find me at the aforementioned social networks).

    Copyright 2011, by Darren W. Alexander.
    All Rights Reserved.

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