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    Saturday, September 11, 2010

    The Sony Handycam NEX-VG10. This One's Mine

    Interchangeable Handycam Camcorders | Sony | Sony Style USA

    Never before have I become extremely excited over a product such as the Sony Handycam NEX-VG10 interchangeable lens camcorder. From all of the videos I've watched over the past couple of months- many from Swiss-based videographer Charles Michel, but also from the Sony and Sony Style websites themselves- I've been nothing short of impressed at the sharp quality in video and sound the NEX-VG10 has.
    Just take a look at this video from Michel's Video Academy, based in Zurich, Switzerland:

    Charles Michel Videoacademy/You Tube

    Now I have the urge to head to Zurich for the 2011 Streetparade. You can use this puppy for nature videos, news journalism, and perhaps even doing student films. It works very well in low light- though if you need a bit of extra light, the NEX-VG10 has dual accessory shoes that take video lights, external mics, and more. In short, I'm picturing using this at the 2011 Mardi Gras, and even the weekend urban jungle that is the Portland, Oregon city center.

    The NEX-VG10 will be out later this month. You can count me among the crowd that's in line.

    Copyright 2010 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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