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    Tuesday, August 03, 2010

    Shooting in Hartford

    This morning in Manchester, Connecticut- just outside Hartford- Omar Thornton, a 34-year-old African-American worker for Hartford Distributors, reportedly walked into work this morning and shot numerous people. The latest report (as of press time, 2:10 PM Pacific/5:10 PM Eastern) says that nine people, including Thornton himself, are dead. Thornton was reportedly asked to resign from his job after being caught stealing beer. Some people described Thornton as a loner, and disgruntled, while Thorton reportedly told his supervisors that he was racially discriminated, after seeing racial slurs and a noose at the workplace.

    I can't help but wonder if Thornton himself had used the race card to escape the fact that he was in trouble for committing acts against the company, namely theft. Was he wongly accused of theft? Did his co-workers use racial epiphets against him? Or was Thornton just someone workers couldn't get along with? I'm not buying the racial discrimination story, to be honest, but if evidence of such does come to light, then Hartford Distributors must own up to the problem and deal with this. Otherwise, all I'm seeing is just one pissed off man who took lives for no apparent reason.

    Copyright 2010 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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