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    Tuesday, April 27, 2010

    Too Early To Call It a "Relationship" - Darren W. Alexander's MySpace Blog |

    Too Early To Call It a "Relationship" - Darren W. Alexander's MySpace Blog |

    Normally, I wouldn't talk personal business here at this blog. But I never did follow any rules- I don't think there were any (at least in the days when this blog was called "The Alex Chronicles" and "The View from Planet Alex").

    Recently, I began a new relationship- even though it's only three days, for all intents and purposes, I suppose I can call it one. I won't divulge much at this point, and any updates will be on my blog at MySpace.

    So, go ahead and read the entry. It could last- or I may be looking for someone new. Only time will tell.

    (C)MMX, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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