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    Monday, November 30, 2009

    So Did Commuting Maurice Clemmons' Sentence Work Out, Mike?

    First, my condolences go out to the families of Lakewood police officers Sgt. Mark Ressinger; Officers Tina Griswold, Greg Richards, and Ronald Owens. The four were killed yesterday at a Lakewood coffee cafe, three of them execution style. The suspect, Maurice Clemmons, 37, was the apparent gunman. He's holed up at a home, which is surrounded by SWAT officers. Clemmons is wounded, and possibly deceased according to latest reports. 

    Clemmons was to have served 95 years for a variety of crimes- including assault on a police officer, child rape, among other charges. But his sentence was commuted by then-Arkansas governor Michael Dale Huckabee. As in the 2008 presidential candidate and multi-term governor. Huck was criticized for his actions.

    And now, I ask, "How did it work out, Mike?"

    I'll be back later to talk more about this.

    (C) MMIX, by Darren W. Alexander
    All Rights Reserved.

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