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    Wednesday, June 27, 2007

    Now I Want an iPhone

    I've been seeing and reading on the hype of the Apple iPhone- which will be out on shelves at Apple retail stores and AT&T locations this Friday, beginning at 6:00PM (all time zones).

    From what I've seen thus far, I think I'd be willing to shell out the $500 (4GB model) or $600 (8GB model), and chain myself to a two-year contract with AT&T (wait a sec...I'm already using AT&T. Now if I could use it with my GoPhone account...).

    It uses the slower Edge cell technology for e-mails, but fortunately, it also has WiFi, which is much faster these days. You can listen to your iTunes music- though hopefully, you won't have to dial any numbers for it. It's essentially a handheld computer, and looks pretty much like a versatile machine. I think that it will sell very well.

    Sure, it has a few flaws- the virtual keyboard takes some getting used to (perhaps Apple and AT&T could've added one of those pencil-like things, which names escapes me right now...a third party entity will likely remedy that problem), and of course, the slow ass Edge technology. Hey, nothing's perfect with first generation releases.

    But, it looks very beautiful, very functional, and if anything, possibly the hottest piece of cell phone and hand held computer technology that's ever graced the planet.

    Apple has indeed set the standard for others- including (and particularly) some boneheaded software titan based in Redmond, Washington- to meet or even beat.

    Look for the iPhone to move to other wireless companies (Verizon; Cricket; T-Mobile, etc.) before the year's out (that's my prediction).

    Copyright 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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