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    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    What Will Apple Release This Time?- Chapter Three

    Sunday is the start of the 2007 National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    And no doubt, it will be an exciting time.

    So the question is: what will Apple release this time?

    Well, I know what they won't- and I have a bone to pick with them about, so let's get the damn thing done and over with, 'kay?

    Leopard. It was supposed to be released in late June, along with iPhone. iPhone is on schedule to be in Cingular customers' hands by then. But as for Leopard, apparently, Apple has pulled a Microsoft and pushed the release date for Leopard back to October- although the beta for Leopard will be released to developers at the World Wide developers Conference in June. Apple wants to make sure that Leopard is good and ready before it reaches the public- in other words, it doesn't want to have the same troubles that Windows Vista is having now with compatibility issues.

    But, come on, Apple. The suspense is killing us Mac-heads here.

    Now that I'm done bitching, there is speculation that Apple will release a new version of Final Cut Studio- due, in part, to the anticipation of competition in the form of Adobe's Production Studio for Mac (which is part of the Creative Suite family) that will be released in June or July.

    I'll be back here in a few days to talk about the releases- if any- from Apple.

    Copyright 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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