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    Thursday, August 05, 2010

    State Police Release 911 Call Made By Omar Thornton - Video - WFSB Hartford

    State Police Release 911 Call Made By Omar Thornton - Video - WFSB Hartford

    I listened to the 911 tape in its entirety. The operator tries to reason with Omar, telling him to surrender peacefully. Now listen carefully at around the 3:51 mark of the video provided by WFSB (just click to the link above to watch this). I believe that's when Omar Thornton shot himself dead.

    I don't buy the story that Omar, who shot eight people before killing himself, was the subject of racism. Of course, every workplace has its share of racist knuckleheads of all stripes, but likely, such conduct gets dealt with one way or another. Whatever problems Thornton had at the job, he should have dealt with them in a more reasonable manner. He did talk to his supervisors about some racist graffiti he saw in the men's room, but knowing that the supervisors didn't deal with it, he should have went to some kind of state agency- or somewhere- and told them about his problems.

    Co-workers, I understand, describe him as someone who stayed to himself, and at times disgruntled. Of course, the video evidence of him stealing beer from the warehouse doesn't help his case any. As far as this goes, his argument of being racially targeted is flushed down the loo by such evidence. What I think is that Mr. Thornton himself was the racist, and that many of his co-workers had tried to reach out to him. Now understand that I don't work for Hartford Distributors, and I can't speak for them. Nor did I know Mr. Thornton, obviously, so again, his stories of racial harassment may have had merit. Otherwise, he just simply used the race card, and subsequently a bullet to his own head, as excuses not to face up to the discipline he had just faced.

    I'm sorry, Omar Thornton, but I just can't accept your soliloquy about being treating bad on the basis that you're black. As I- an African-American- has said often times, playing the race card is a good way to lose an argument.

    Copyright 2010 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Appeal Filed Over Gay Marriage Ruling In California -

    Appeal Filed Over Gay Marriage Ruling In California -

    Man, I don't know what will it'll take to get those who are dead against same-sex marriage to get the message that they're worried about nothing. Proposition 8, the ballot measure that was passed in 2008 to ban same sex marriage in California was overturned by a federal court yesterday, but these so-called evangelistic terrorists still think that if gays and lesbians were allowed to marry, the San Andreas fault will be so pissed that the Big One finally happens. Never mind that the ground and just about everything else is still standing in Massachusetts, and in one of the most conservative states of the Union- Iowa. My take is that if same sex marriage were allowed, these crybaby types will lose their spouses to their one and only true love, that true love being of the same sex. Of course, that won't be the case in many instances, but in many others, hmmm...

    Eventually, this will reach the Supreme Court of the United States, and if those justices- including the just confirmed Elena Kagan- say that gays and lesbians have the same rights, let's just say that every Pat Robertson and Rod Parsley will attempt to incite a riot and shit tons of bricks. Hey, that's all they're good for these days, stirring up shitstorms and just being stupid.

    Of course, me? I'll just walk my gay friends down the aisle and watch them say "I do."

    Copyright 2010 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Tuesday, August 03, 2010

    Shooting in Hartford

    This morning in Manchester, Connecticut- just outside Hartford- Omar Thornton, a 34-year-old African-American worker for Hartford Distributors, reportedly walked into work this morning and shot numerous people. The latest report (as of press time, 2:10 PM Pacific/5:10 PM Eastern) says that nine people, including Thornton himself, are dead. Thornton was reportedly asked to resign from his job after being caught stealing beer. Some people described Thornton as a loner, and disgruntled, while Thorton reportedly told his supervisors that he was racially discriminated, after seeing racial slurs and a noose at the workplace.

    I can't help but wonder if Thornton himself had used the race card to escape the fact that he was in trouble for committing acts against the company, namely theft. Was he wongly accused of theft? Did his co-workers use racial epiphets against him? Or was Thornton just someone workers couldn't get along with? I'm not buying the racial discrimination story, to be honest, but if evidence of such does come to light, then Hartford Distributors must own up to the problem and deal with this. Otherwise, all I'm seeing is just one pissed off man who took lives for no apparent reason.

    Copyright 2010 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.