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Friday, December 30, 2005
The Weather Will Get Better...Eventually
If anything, Portland may experience deja vu. With this constant rain- some of it heavy- there's a possibility that it'll be a repeat of the flooding that threatened the area 10 years ago. The area is already under a small stream and urban flood warning, and if there are any fireworks this weekend, it'll be courtesy of Moms Nature.
But be rest assured that the weather will get better on Sunday- one week from it.
The rain has an effective way of making one feel a bit miserable. Fortunately for me, I've been working as of late, and that seems to drive those blues away. Unfortunately, however, it's a long weekend (four days), and there's no work. Fortunately...there's a four day weekend and I do have some green (just don't go on a spending spree, D, okay?...).
All I can do is read and brush up on my on script and story ideas...character development and just plain stay creative. Oh, and continue mapping out those plans for 2006. (And finish the other blog, "2005: The Year in Brief". I'll publish that blog sometime in the next week or two).
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Still Leaving Portland...And Lars' Christmas Cross
I'm leaving because it's time for me to head in a new direction. I've been wanting to take up filmmaking for quite some time, and I feel that now is the time to head in that direction. This means preparing for the eight-week filmmaking workshop classes at New York Film Academy in New York City, New York, which I'll take in July 2006 (if not sooner). In the meantime, I'll be making Atlanta, Georgia my primary residence. Now this is not to say that I'll abandon Portland completely- I'll visit it from time to time. But I feel that there is nothing left here for myself to stay for (except a big fat lottery check in February, and a few temp jobs, and smaller lottery wins between now and February 20, when I leave Portland for Atlanta).
A couple weeks ago, talk show host Lars Larson of KXL radio here in Portland, with the backing of Portland area Christian churches, had planned on erecting a Christmas Cross on the southwest corner of Pioneer Courthouse Square (Portland Living Room', as the locals call it...). The cross, to many Christians, symbolize the sacrifice that Jesus made for mankind. He even planned on broadcasting the erection on Monday (December 19, 2005) on both his local and nationally syndicated radio shows.
Now comes word that the cross isn't going up. Ever since Lars made his intention clear to put up the cross, a few entities- mainly people who call themselves 'progressives'- had threatened and even promised- yes, promised!- to vandalize it. Now, I consider myself a 'progressive'- after all, I believe in the separation of church and state; a woman's right to choose; and civil unions (even same sex marriage). But what I do not believe in is denying the right of one man's efforts to just express his views, which is Christmas is the reason for the season, and that Jesus Christ is the main reason that Christmas even exists (something I agree with Lars on). I know that a lot of people are pissed royally over the city's decision not to hold the annual New Years' Eve bash on PCS, but do you fellow progressives have to take it out on Lars Larson's display? I've always thought that 'progressive' meant that while you favor policies that move your ideas forward, that you don't trample on the opposing side's ideas. Agree to disagree. So fucking what that you don't like Lars' Christmas Cross. He's paying out of his own pocket (with some help, of course) to display it.
You guys have a better idea? I'd like to hear them. Otherwise, Lars, put up your cross. (And if anyone decides to vandalize it, just whip out that pistol of yours. That'll change their minds really quick!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Shove It, Portland!
The atmosphere here in Moscow/Amsterdam on the Willamette has changed, and not for the better. When I first set foot here eight years ago, Portland was a more welcoming place. People helped out one another, were friendlier. You could look like Raggedy Andy and the guy who makes Donald Trump look like a pauper would still speak to you like a human being. The crystal meth and heroin problems weren't so rampant. The Jewish mayor (at the time), Vera Katz acted like she knew what she was doing. In other words, Portland was a paradise for everyone, no matter the socioeconomic or racial situation.
Fast forward eight years later. It's like the Pretenders song "Ohio" (irronically, I'm from that state. Born and raised in the Buckeye state). When I returned from New Orleans two and a half years ago, I've started noticing some things that didn't quite jibe with the Portland I came to eight years ago. I know change is the only constant, but, man, I didn't think change would be so damned drastic. A young lady burned under the Steel Bridge, another shot by police after she decided to play Mario Andretti- and this was just about a month before I returned to the Rose City. Since returning, I've noticed that the heroin and meth problems are now a pandemic. The thing that brought homeless people here from across the country, is now driving city leaders mad (so mad, that they've recently created a "10 Year Plan to End Homelessness". Good luck, guys...). The Pearl District is now the standard to which all Portland neighborhoods now aspire to be. In other words, you would've thought that I've walked smack dab into San Francisco (ironically, I've never been to the Bay Area, but it's a known fact that prices are so high that even Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Gates can barely afford to live there). A few more black folks have been shot by white police officers. People from California coming into Portland and Oregon forgetting to leave the smog and snobbery behind. It's maddening, folks.
So, it is with great sadness that I must bid farewell, if not totally goodbye, to the city that I've called home for eight years. But in this sadness, there is great joy that I'm returning to a city which I've called home twice, and will once again- this time, for a much longer time.
I'm returning to Atlanta, Georgia.
Back to those nice juicy peaches. Back to true Southern hospitality. Julep trees and julep tea. Southern breakfast, with grits (Mmmmm!) sausage and eggs. Where I can get soul food- collard greens, chitterlings, sweet potato pie (oh, stop it, Darren! I'm hungry enough as it is...). The city where I can go to over 200 Waffle House restaurants 24/7. Back to the city where an African-American such as myself can thrive, and make a life for myself.
Yes, Atlanta has its' own problems- no city is perfect. But Atlanta doesn't have the rampant homelessness Portland has. The racism, however sometimes overt, isn't as bad, in fact, in many cases, you can say that it's barely on the radar there. Now I'm not saying that Portland is a racist place, but racial relations here are barely tolerable as it is. And as for heroin and meth down in Atlanta- virtually nonexistent!
In forthcoming blog entries, I'll talk more on the joys and comforts of living down South.
I may be born a Yankee, but by the grace of God, I'm definitely Southern.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Requiem- or Celebration- for Stanley "Tookie" Williams
In the opinion of this author, Williams should pay for the crimes he committed- specifically the four murders he committed back in the late 1970s. I'm not saying this just because I happen to be pro-death penalty. I'm saying this because that is my opinion period, and if it so happens to be death by letahal injection, so fucking be it. In essence, Williams is responsible for tens- if not hundreds- of thousands- if not nillions- of casualties caused by his gang, the Crips. Now, I'm not saying that the rival group, the Bloods, are a bunch of eagle scouts- they too should pay for the crimes they've committed- past, present, and future. But Stan Williams should have known better. After all, he could have chosen a different path. He could have been mayor of Los Angeles; police chief...even President of the United States, in lieu of committing atrocities in the streets of :Los Angeles, and subsequently, in communities all across the United States. Gangs and the violence they bring forth is like a cancer that keeps growing. Unfortunately, even as California destroys the main head of the dragon, the aforementioned Stanley "Tookie" Williams, we, as Americans- and likely the world community as well- still must live on hair trigger alert. After all, gang violence isn't confined to just the inner cities and slum areas.
As an African-American, I'm of course saddened that another of my kind will die, but as an American, I'm satisfied that justice has been served here. I think of those casualties- the maimings and deaths of mostly innocent people, and even the not-so-innocent killed at the hands of Williams and his cohorts. What lives they could have led, and in the case of the gang members, the lost opportunities to turn their lives around. No kind of children's book decrying the act of gang violence can ever erase what Tookie Williams and his cohorts have done. If Williams wanted to make a difference, he would have one, relinquished his gang affiliation a long time ago, aand two, even as an inmate at San Quentin, shown remorse for his actions. Apologize for those four murders (and likely more, however undocumented, unproven, or what have you...). But instead, Tookie Williams will die with a needle in his arm. To many, it'll be a meaningful one- justice served. For others, a meaingless death. Perhaps members of the Crips will see Williams as a martyr. Maybe the Bloods will celebrate with weed, a few 40 ounce malt liquors, and Hennessey or Courvosier. Or maybe they'll set aside their weapons for a moment to mourn Williams' loss. I don't know.
All I can do is close out this blog entry with lyrics from the theme from "Baretta"
Keep Your Eye On the Sparrow
by Dave Grusin & M. Ames, 1975
Performed by Sammy Davis, Jr.
Don't go to bed/with no price on your head
No, no/ Don't do it
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time/ Yeah/ Don't do it
And keep your eye/ on the sparrow
When the going/ gets narrow
Don't do it/ Don't do it
Where can I go where the cold winds don't blow
Now, well, well, well.
Copyright 2005, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Baretta, Copyright 1975, American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Ideas For The Pioneer Courthouse Square New Years' Celebration
Remember the last time such a smart idea happened? Can you say "2001: Kristallnacht on the Willamette" (only substitute 'anarchists' as opposed to 'Nazi', and 'every damn thing' as opposed to the Jews who suffered that fateful night in November 1938). I can only hope that the natives- meth-addicted or otherwise- have enough sense to bring in 2006 with a bit more sanity.
So...Taliban Commie, er, Tom Potter, our rookie mayor says that there's no money in the budget to hold such an event, known to be 'family-friendly' by many. Might I offer a few 'family-friendly' suggestions?
After all, they have every goddamned thing you need to throw the biggest (or one of the biggest, anyway) soirees of the year: Babes, Booze, and most important, MONEY! LOTS OF IT! Sure we may have to pay a cover charge (say, $10, but no more than $20), and you'll have to get carded at the PCS gates (oh, don't forget the metal detectors and private security...or extra Portland- in addition to Gresham, Beaverton, Milwaukie, and even other jurisdictions- police officers. After all, we don't need any haters crashing the party...). But think of all of the beer, Cristal; Absolut...all of those nude and/or semi nude hotties dancing on that stage (don't worry, girls, the stage will have heaters, and you'll be well protected from that patented Pacific Northwest winter rain). Plus, you have the TriMet MAX and bus service (as well as that of C-Tran, the transit district across the Columbia in Clark County, Washington), all gratis.
Hey, it's a bigger space! Plus those corporations aforementioned can afford it. Plus, you can bring the big acts- Beyonce Knowles (such a fucking pity that Destiny's Child split up...tsk, tsk, tsk...); the Sisters Simpson (Ashlee and the soon-to-be divorced Jessica, the latter who could do a strip tease or two out of those Daisy Dukes. Sorry, Nick, you can't say shit about that anymore...oh, by the way, neither of them can sing...); Mariah Carey (who I'd like to pork any day, any time, any motherfucking place! BRING IT ON, BABY!); and perhaps the harder rock acts too. Hey, even KXL's Lars Larson can emcee the event, alongside PK from "The Playhouse" on KXL's sister station, Jammin' 95.5 KXJM (and the next day, get a frying pan across his big fat head by his beloved Tina. But believe me, Lars, it'll all be well worth the way, Lars, nice fucking idea on the cross on PCS. Will your head- or a papier-machie sculpture of it grace the top of the cross?...). Even better, have the celebration at both places!
Since our so-called liberal oasis decided to pussy themselves out of the party business, these are but two of the best ideas I can come up with (after all, I doubt very seriously that bringing a religious revival to the Square on New Year's Eve will sit well with people wanting the holy wine mixed in with their Absolut...might work in The Dalles, 80 miles to the east, or even Bend, 160 miles to the southeast, however...). If anybody can come up with better ideas, post your comments here, or e-mail me at or
Copyright 2005, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, December 05, 2005
What's the Big Fuss About Not Saying "Merry Christmas" Anyway?
Merry Chrishannakwanzakuh!
Merry Holidays!
Merry Christmas!
(Darren looks up at the sky. It's still there...and yes, it's still cloudy out there. Remember, he's in the Pacific Northwaest, kids...).
What's the big freakin' deal?
Some pundits-mostly those of the conservative ilk- are griping about stores and other entities not displaying the words "Merry Christmas", and are up in arms when those same entities they're bitching about are calling the Christmas tree a 'Holiday tree'. Excuse me, kids, but isn't a 'Holiday tree' the same thing as a 'Christmas tree'? I tend to think so.
Remember the term 'political correctness', back in the 1990s- basically during the Clinton years (1993-2001)? Well, it sounds like to me that the same people who deride the term 'p.c.' are doing the same damn thing- only, either they don't know that they're playing the 'p.c.' card, or they're just not admitting it. after all, they're crying "They're taking Christ out of 'Christmas''s a 'Christmas tree, not a 'Holiday tree'...stores that ban the words "Merry Christmas are to be boycotted... store employees who don't say "Merry Christmas" will immediately be fired". I didn't know that Christmas was under that much threat. Gee, if I didn't know better, I'd say that these people were worried about al-Qaida taking over the holiday (imagine Osama bin Laden wearing a red suit. Now if he would only gain a few pounds, then he'd looklike Santa, as opposed to looking like an anoxeric...).
So, from me to yours, with love, Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Same fucking difference.
Copyright (C)2005, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.